Gulp.......... kinda nervous

Thank You all for advice.

I have decided to seek elsewhere. I'm thinkin retail is a perfect place to think about stuff all day and not be on the spot every second, plus not as much chaos to deal with.

If I happen across a situation I could go ahead and help them if I was the closest person. It is the right thing to do is to try and help. I would be grateful if someone helped me so...................its just being expected, security is not cops or paramedics or anything, just normal people and the public puts the weight of the world on their shoulders. Plus no respect from subjects and limited authority/training.

I am not going to be a cop or paramedic, so I will seek elsewhere, I do not feel I am competent to continue indefinitely. So thanks for advice, but I just wanna blend back in with civillian life. I hate bothering people and interefering/telling them what they shouldn't do. So thanks again.

Hopefully I can perform if needed.
If this is a troll (all signs point to no), it's the least offensive troll ever. Relax, folks.:rolleyes:

15F, good luck with... whatever you're trying to do.
Regardless of what your career plans are, try to get CPR down. If you're not confident, practice during the course, and do everything as you would if it were real. That includes speaking loudly enough for a possibly semiconscious patient to hear you (if somebody loses consciousness in your workplace, no one's going to be worried about you yelling) and counting your compressions audibly and firmly. It helps you stay at the right speed, and talking yourself through a procedure enough times makes it a lot easier to remember and helps deal with nerves.
Hey. 15F. I work as an EMT within a Security company... It is fun work for the most part. I work at a LARGE office complex, and we've had one code, one resp. arrest, and one choking in the last 5 years.

I wouldn't sweat the CPR too much... it is VERY unlikely you will ever need to do it. In the event you DO need to do CPR, you will be so full of adrenalin that you will do things that surprise you. Yes, you can rip shirts. It is easier to cut them off, though. As for the nipple line... I asked that question when I went through CPR Instructor training 3 years ago (when I was about your age:) ). As I was told... grandma's bellybutton may be between her nipples when she is standing, but when she lies down, the nippleline is in about the right place on ALMOST everyone. As for assessing the nippleline... just guess. As was said...only worry about removing clothing if it is excessive/bulky or you are using an AED (which the mall should have several of).

I wouldn't get too stressed over this... worry about other things, first... like what you can and can't do per law and policy (when you can make arrests, etc) and also think about basic first aid... you are more likely to have a medical assist call for a customer having Chest Pain or bleeding than for someone choking in the food court. Unless you guys have Hot Dog eating contests, or some place serves big steaks... Most people are good about chewing their food :)

Now, to be a little off topic (for the sake of humor). As for Mall Cops ;) - I have a right to deride them, because several of the guys working at the local mall are rejects from the account I work at :). Additionally, I was in the mall the other night and saw one of the Security staff carrying an expandable baton... I didn't see it until I was walking in the other direction... but next time I'm at the mall, messing with him is on my to-do list :) ..... (To carry a baton in PA, you must be certified to carry a Lethal Weapon... I know the account ISN'T authorized to have batons... so I'm going to have fun with him if I see him again). Now, I try to avoid the mall, but when my PSP is broken and I need to exchange it before my big week of Event EMS standbys, I'll have to go in this week.
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Thanks Jon, I get what you are saying mall security is a joke in comparison with ODO or other companies.
Me and a Co-worker walked right into a chest pain case. I agree with what you say but our mall is the craziest of them all, they could make a show about it, but it might be more of a comedy like Reno 911.

Anyway, thanks all for posts.