Ground level fall and the Backboard

And one of my medical directors is one of the top trauma surgeons for the military who is speaking at this years world trauma symposium. He thinks spinal immobilization is highly overutilized. If your trauma center is telling you to immobilize everybody, then they likely lack confidence in your ability to distinguish who is at risk and who is not.
I agree that the reason that a majority of immobilization takes place is the "CYA - possible lawsuit" protocol. Departments and companies would rather backboard everybody to prevent that exceptionally small precentage of the "what if" cases from becoming lawsuits.

I think another reason we backboard everybody is the lack of past evidence based medicine in EMS. We have done so many things because it sounds logical, but is not proven. I hope that as we look at the real data that studies our treatments, we as a profession will advance and change those treatments to better serve our patients.
No no no no no

the quicker American EMS moves away from cookbook medical care the better.

Do you not see how absurd it is to assume that anyone who trips or falls over has a spinal injury?

If the patient was elderly, c/o neck or back pain, with any neuro deficits then it would be another kettle of fish.

If a football player got tackled an broke his wrist would you collar and board him?
Me personally? Not a chance... because if I'm out working at a game, you can bet I'm watching the players and not enjoying it... and most likely saw the injury occur. I've seen that happen. No, he didn't get put on the board. That day, the spine board did get used... to carry equipment on and off the field...:P
I've used the LSB less and less since I became self educated on the effects of such. Now if I HAVE to apply SMR, I prefer the orthopedic scoop. Not only is it more comfortable, it also throws the hospital staff for a loop, and I enjoy getting yelled at by nurses, only to have Docs compliment me for its use (then throw the nurse a sassy smile)

No pain or defecits, no board

The only thing i HAVE to do is use AED in cardiac arrest, the protocols are actually pretty current with ITLS/PHTLS science, NEXUS and the like