Girl, 10, Gives Birth in Mexico

Rape is so common in Mexico, the perpetrator will probably get a sentence of a few years or so. tis a terrible world we live in.
Why is it people turn a blind eye to what happens in their back yard?
Ask Joe Paterno.
Sounds like San Antonio....
Dont forget there are a lot of child brides in African and in India, they end up having children really young (I'm not sure its 10 or 11 but I bet you its between 12 and 14) when they are married off and the really young childbirth is a big problem there.

They usually end up delivering stillborns after 2-3 days of labor because after the baby dies inutero it eventually shrinks and their small bodies cant get out the babies otherwise. They'll often have bad vagino-ureteral fistulas and leak urine out because of the strain and then their husbands dont want them either.

There's a ton of information about this out there!
Dont forget there are a lot of child brides in African and in India, they end up having children really young (I'm not sure its 10 or 11 but I bet you its between 12 and 14) when they are married off and the really young childbirth is a big problem there.

They usually end up delivering stillborns after 2-3 days of labor because after the baby dies inutero it eventually shrinks and their small bodies cant get out the babies otherwise. They'll often have bad vagino-ureteral fistulas and leak urine out because of the strain and then their husbands dont want them either.

There's a ton of information about this out there!

I would love to go to Tanzania and open a clinic/feeding station/birthing center in my retirement.

5 yo girls in Tanzanian villages without wells carry water all day every day. Building a well in a village reduces the infant mortality rate in that village by 75% in the first year, and liberates those girls from the water carrying.

My heart breaks for these children whose lives could be improved with such simple interventions.
I see your Joe Paterno and raise you Montana Mental Health worker who reported child pornography fired.

In short, damned if you do, damned if you don't.

This is an interesting one. The article describes the perp as a "client" of a mental health institution, which, if indicating he is a "patient", means most everything he does is confidential, even information about crimes. The facility noted that this was an internet search for CP, the staff didn't search for images on the computer.

As a mental health professional, when you don't have any evidence that any abuse is being done by your patient, do you have a duty to report something like this?

As they noted, the employee fired was specifically told not to report his findings to the police, but did so anyways.