Getting a paramedic job with 5 over speeding ticket?


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Hey there!
EMT-B here about halfway through her paramedic internship. I'm 21 and have had a pretty damn good driving record, but a few days ago I got cited for going 70 mph in a 65. Worried about finding a paramedic job in another area with a speeding ticket since almost all services ask for a "clean driving record". I left my old company a few months ago and they have a non driving emt who got a DUI and his license suspended and recently had a paramedic who had a DUI and an at fault collision . I imagine not all ambulance services are like my previous company though. Any thoughts?

Thank you in advance!
One citation most likely won't hurt you too badly.
Some companies wont care in the least. Some will consider that grounds for automatic disqualification.

Best bet is to ask before you get too invested in any particular opportunity.
Hey there!
EMT-B here about halfway through her paramedic internship. I'm 21 and have had a pretty damn good driving record, but a few days ago I got cited for going 70 mph in a 65. Worried about finding a paramedic job in another area with a speeding ticket since almost all services ask for a "clean driving record". I left my old company a few months ago and they have a non driving emt who got a DUI and his license suspended and recently had a paramedic who had a DUI and an at fault collision . I imagine not all ambulance services are like my previous company though. Any thoughts?

Thank you in advance!
Fight it. From what I've been given to understand, loads of time, most of the time, the police officer doesn't even show up.

Look into if there is a way to take a class and keep it off your record.

Finally, I know a couple of services who won't let people under 21 drive, regardless of their driving record.
it won't show up on your h6 until you're found guilty you can keep pushing the court date until you find a position if it's your first ticket you'll qualify for traffic school

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I highly recommend hiring a traffic attorney if you don't want it on your record at all. If it is your first offense many traffic attorneys can get you off the hook for your first time, and get it dismissed. Say you decide to attend "Alive at 25", a local class for us you can get your ticket cost cut in half or completely dismissed. There's a lot of technicalities when it comes to the traffic laws, although it might be a couple hundred bucks it could be worth it if it's important to you. In some instances as well you may also (if you hire an attorney) get it lowered to a non-moving violation like a parking ticket in a sense.
it won't show up on your h6 until you're found guilty you can keep pushing the court date until you find a position if it's your first ticket you'll qualify for traffic school

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I really like this idea too, in my state I believe you can request 3 extensions approximately 3-6 months each extension... Contact the clerk for more info.