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well heres my question i have just completed my EMT basic class and have been working on my practicals for the test i have everything down but the assessment peices i keep forgetting to verbilize what i am doing and checking anyone have any ideas that miight help me to verbilize?
well heres my question i have just completed my EMT basic class and have been working on my practicals for the test i have everything down but the assessment peices i keep forgetting to verbilize what i am doing and checking anyone have any ideas that miight help me to verbilize?

Make yourself some pnemonics! I would never remember anything if not for pnemonics!

For example, in the trauma assessment, after BSI/Scene Safety, my pnemonic says:

Men Never Help Clean

M=Mechanism of Injury N=Number of Patients H=Consider calling for Help
C=Chief Complaint

If you can do this, or make up a song with the keywords of what you're trying to remember, it will be so much easier. Good luck! :P
practice out loud. it's like muscle memory, if you actually verbalize while you're studying, you will remember to verbalize at the test
Find someone to practice on. The week before my test, my adult daughter
offered to be my PT. I told her what I needed to do and gave her my practice
sheet. That helped a lot.

I also told her to interrupt me here and there. This was so I could get used to
finding my way back to where I left off. (Very important.) The examiner will ask
you questions and you will be totally lost if you don't practice this.

Next, make sure you treat any life-threatening signs your presented with. (Text book.)

Remember ABCs ABCs ABCs. And don't forget to touch your PT. They like

I hope this helps some.

ABCDE, AMPLE, DCAP-BTLS, OPQRST, and all the other mnemonics you used, you will be fine.
Make yourself some pnemonics! I would never remember anything if not for pnemonics!

For example, in the trauma assessment, after BSI/Scene Safety, my pnemonic says:

Men Never Help Clean

M=Mechanism of Injury N=Number of Patients H=Consider calling for Help
C=Chief Complaint

If you can do this, or make up a song with the keywords of what you're trying to remember, it will be so much easier. Good luck! :P

Am I now emascualted because I usually initiate cleaning ?:P:unsure::rolleyes:
I don't know if this will help, but for my First responder class I made a Powerpoint slide that I used to quiz myself. I will try to upload the powerpoint slide I made. Just modify it to match your skills sheet. At the end of the ppt is a definition of common mnemonics. I left out OPQRST so you might want to add that. If you do not have Powerpoint you can get a viewer from Microsoft.

If anyone has any suggestions to improve the slides let me know and I can update the file. Just use the ppt in slideshow mode.
Let me know if it helps. :)


One thing you can do is to make a template slide (the first slide in my repost of a few of your slides is an example) where the text box is set to an animation. By doing it this way, you can copy/paste the blank template slide and then put all of the information in and when in presentation mode the answer will appear when you click on it. Similarly, you can find a slide randomizer online and shuffle your slides like real flash cards.


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