This thread is in relation to a topic was going to post and did not want to clutter. I do not mean to jump on this thread, but in regards to classes and training for paramedic. I am looking to take a bridge EMT-B course this spring hopefully and wanted to take a paramedic class in the winter next year, but may hold off to the following fall. I already have a degree though unsure what to do with and that is why I started becoming involved with EMS. Long story short looking to take a few college courses in science and math. I already have bio under my belt. With the EMT B course being taken in the spring after getting my feet wet was thinking of going forth with an AEMT program. That would only allow me to take three courses at the local community college. Was thinking of taking a math class just to keep practice on that area. Leaving only two classes left with a lot of choices, which are Microbiology, A&P I, A&P II, A&P for EMS, General Chemistry I and II.
Any tips on what classes to check out? Appreciate the response.