You joke, but I've run into faulty equipment that we can't afford to replace on our kits. So some things it's best to get on your own, or find a working version, and sign them out and carry your own kit. So you know your equipment works.
oh absolutely not!!!! do not do this, this is incredibly stupid, incredibly personally dangers, and a horrible idea!!!! and I am in the US, working for two seperate EMS systems in economically poor areas.
the equipment that is supplied by your agency is what your agency uses. not only that, it is what their policies say you should use, and what they insure you to use. so if you use non-provided equipment, and the patient sues, you can be held personally liable, and the agency can say you are on your own because you are using your own equipment. this is a very bad idea. No medic should ever have to staff the ambulance with personal equipment because the agency won't. if they are expecting you to, find another job.
your agency is responsible for providing you with the tools to do your job. i don't mean an upgraded scope or gloves, but all equipment should be in good working order. if not, don't take the ambulance out. get your boss to replace it. I don't care how broke your agency is, they need to maintain all their equipment. Not only that, if you start using your personal equipment instead (which you pay for), then it gives them further reason NOT to repair or replace what is faulty, since you will just bring your own. so the rigs get equipped, and not at their expense. it is a VERY BAD IDEA, don't do it.
btw, I like using galls to shop. brand names only, not the store brand. to look around and see something I like. there are cheaper brands prices on the internet. find what you want, then use google to find the best price.