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Full-time SFFD Single Role EMT/Paramedic

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Forum Lieutenant
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Come be one of the highest paid single function EMTs and Medics in the country.
Can't promise you good protocols. Can't promise you the best morale in the country.

You'll get a 3% a year pension max 90% if you do 30 years and lifetime medical for you
and your spouse when you are vested.

This is not a suppression job. There is no guarantee you'll ever be cross-trained but with how
short we are on suppression you'll get your shot. It just might take a few years if that is what you want.
Even if you are a medic you will probably get hired as an EMT. They haven't hired medics off the street in
10+ years and there is a backlog of current EMTs waiting to promote to medic. They typically promote one
or two times a year. It happened for me in <8 months.

If you don't want suppression, great. We need people that want to be paramedics. There is more and more promotional
opportunity on that branch of the department as well.

Do you know if they are only hiring full time? For some reason, I was under the impression per diem or part time, but the job posting says full time.
Not sure.

The per diem or part time would be under the H008 job classification with the city and county and not the H003 job classification. It would probably be on a different part of the website if it were open.

Last full-time test was over four years ago though.
Moved to appropriate forum and locked per rules.
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