Frequently Created Posts - Discussion


Site Administrator
Community Leader
As you all know there are certain topics that are brought up several times a year. These "Frequently Created Posts" drive some of our regular members nuts, some (most?) don't really care at all. They'll add their response every single time with no problems.

So what would be best for our members, both new and old, and what would be better for EMTLife?

Should new threads be created with no bickering, enforcing the fact that we are and open and friendly community?

Should mega-threads be created, merging the content together? (could lead to a confusing read)

Should a thread be created for each subject (let's say 'boots') with links to previous posts about it?

Something else? A combination of some sort?

We, the Community Leaders, are open to any and all suggestions. Let's just keep the conversation productive.


Forum Chief
I am tempering my responses of outrage with dark or sarcastic humor.

Some of these topics I am really passionate about, so it is hard to ignore. But others I have lost interest in totally and just ignore.

I imagine as time goes on, the same will be true for the ones that drive me nuts today.

I say just let them run their course.


The Truth Provider
1.Create an area for most discussed items. Section for Boots, Section for steths etc then move all the millions threads about them under them.
2.Do not allow anyone with less than a year here or 100 quality posts to create a new thread about the items.
3.Have a vote feature where the person that starts the new thread can be voted out of emtlife if it is obvious they failed to read existing threads on the subject.


Site Administrator
Community Leader
1.Create an area for most discussed items. Section for Boots, Section for steths etc then move all the millions threads about them under them.
2.Do not allow anyone with less than a year here or 100 quality posts to create a new thread about the items.
3.Have a vote feature where the person that starts the new thread can be voted out of emtlife if it is obvious they failed to read existing threads on the subject.

Seeking clarification...
1. So create a forum section for each subject like we did for NREMT, Education and Training, BLS Discussion, etc. ?
2 & 3. Not going to happen.
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Forum Chief
I do not agree with item one but could live with it.

I do not agree at all with 2&3 and think it should not happen.


The Truth Provider
Seeking clarification...
1. So create a forum section for each subject like we did for NREMT, Education and Training, BLS Discussion, etc. ?
2 & 3. Not going to happen.

2&3 would solve all issues. :sad: :p

1. Something like the NREMT area. Stethoscope section. Boot Section. California section or better just ban all posts about Cali as it is so messed up.:rofl:
Job advice section.

On intro page have in bold letters please check out our most common discussed topics area prior to creating a new topic.

Mountain Res-Q

Forum Deputy Chief
1.Create an area for most discussed items. Section for Boots, Section for steths etc then move all the millions threads about them under them.

"The EMS Recyling Bin - A Resources for every point of view on pants, flashlights, stethascopes, knives, lightbars, right to carry laws, jobs in CA, the difficulty of the NR, firefighters in EMS, and how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood."


Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
2&3 would solve all issues. :sad: :p

1. Something like the NREMT area. Stethoscope section. Boot Section. California section or better just ban all posts about Cali as it is so messed up.:rofl:
Job advice section.

On intro page have in bold letters please check out our most common discussed topics area prior to creating a new topic.

I don't think super-specific sub-fora (forums??) are the answer-- we've tried "mega-threads" for these frequent topics, abstracts, even searches when new threads are added (suggested similar threads), and they all seem not to be working. Perhaps the answer is to be more firm in requiring members to consult ALL (or recent) relevant past discussions before starting new threads. Could this be a part of the CRs? Require new members to read a sticky welcoming them and strongly requesting searches before new topics?

These are not new or complicated problems for an internet forum, perhaps look to others for solutions or creative approaches?


The New Beach Medic
These are problems that are observed at a lot of forums. I don't think creating a new forum, sticky, or a rule on it will help. For example, we recently got an employment question in BLS. I think the people are gonna post regardless of what is there for them. I say let it continue it's course, and hopefully most of us will accept that this is the Internet.

I also think we have too many sections already, but I don't have any recommendation for merging/removing except I think Podcast should definitely be removed by now. This reminds me of construction on the free way that never gets done and there is always traffic there. In this case, it's really doing no harm just sitting there, but I think it's outlived it's sitting there doing nothing phase.
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M.Sc., OMS-I
Premium Member
Allow members to create the threads they like, and let the thread run its course.

Enforce the T&C and allow members to make productive contributions, or to politely suggest that the topic be searched. I do not think it is unreasonable to politely tell a new member who asks what the qualities of a good stethoscope are to give the topic a search and if they have any specific questions, expand on the topic.

I think respect is a two way street. The forum must respect new members and create an atmosphere that is welcoming and conducive to open conversation (that is the core objective of a forum, right?)

On the flip side, it is somewhat incumbent on new members to attempt a search on the topic, especially if it is something that has been covered ad nauseam. It just shows appreciation for other members time to not duplicate old content.

They may not conduct a search because they don't know how, or simply did not want to sift through all of the posts. Either way, it is an open forum, and those who have an interest in the topic can answer questions on it as often as they want. Those who do not like the topic or are annoyed by the frequency of its recurrence can simply ignore it. The amount of time you have as a member has no bearing on whether or not you should be able to talk down to someone (the fact is, you should not...)

I will also add that if the topic has been covered ad nauseam, and no one cares to answer anymore questions on it, the thread will get buried rather quickly, and the new member will likely do a search anyway. When members decide to make snide remarks and give the new person a hard time for not doing a search, that is when the threads become a pissing contest that nobody really wins (the new person leaves thinking we are jerks, we look like we lack get the picture.) If you are no interested, or even annoyed, simply don't post.

Anyway, keep the system we have now, enforce a culture of openness and non-hostility, everyone lives together in harmony. Case closed.
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Mountain Res-Q

Forum Deputy Chief


M.Sc., OMS-I
Premium Member
There you go Mountain! You get the picture!

We even sealed the deal with a lovely internet meme of two lions fighting/hugging...

Dare I say it, this place just might stay around for a while.


Forum Burnout
Premium Member
Have a screen they have to acknowledge when signing up that talks about the vast amount of information already available and how to use the search function?


Still crazy but elsewhere
The best thing is to leave it be. Maybe the very best would be to allow threads to evaporate after say a year.

The river-like flow of these forums and the introduction of new people inevitably leads to re-asking of questions, and the burial of stuff we may consider "good" in the sands of time (to mix a metaphor).

Half-seriously: how about a locked channel for the old heads (I include myself) to gripe and be snide without bothering anyone else?

Do threads about EMTLIFE, instead of about EMS subjects, cause more harm than good? (Guilty as charged if that is the case:blush:).


The Truth Provider
Create a mandatory tutorial to join. Example of required training " locate search feature. Search stethcope." Do that with multiple subjects and new people would know how to use forum and also already found the answer to what they thought was a great question.


Forum Burnout
Premium Member
Put a prompt up when creating a new thread. Something along the lines of "Before creating this thread, have you searched for previous similar topics?" Easy enough for us to click through, but will catch a new poster's eye.
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The Truth Provider
Put a prompt up when creating a new thread. Something along the lines of "Before creating this thread, have you searched for previous similar topics?" Easy enough for us to click through, but will catch a new poster's eye.

Already does that, obviously doesn't work.


Forum Burnout
Premium Member


Forum Deputy Chief
Let the thread run its course. Things change over time, there may be new discussion to happen.

Those who have no interest will not reply, and those threads that happen too often will get no replies (or not useful ones) and the newbies will learn that they are not getting replies because it was already discussed 5 times in the last week and they should search. Those that get brought up a few times a year can still be good discussion.

Add an ignore feature. If a thread keeps popping up as new, and you really don't care because it has been discussed ad nauseum, hit ignore, and the thread get hidden from view. If you want to see all ignored thread, at the top of the forum in the drop down, just select "unhide hidden threads" and you can view all ignored threads again. It's basically the anti-subscribe option!


Still crazy but elsewhere
PS: in my prior reply I was not implying this is a bad thread, I was actually questioning some of my earlier threads.