Free App To Log Call Times


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A few years ago I wrote an iPhone app to log call times. I got good feedback about it but I never updated it and now I miss it. Yesterday I decided to re-do it as a super simple web page. It's hosted on my service's website

It's free, no registration, no ads, no login, just run it. Don't forget you can save it to your phones home screen to make it instantly accessible.
what is the purpose of this app? And by that I mean, shouldn't your dispatch center be logging call times? this way your call times are consistent and accurate across the board?
The purpose is nothing more than what is shown. Press buttons, record times. My system does not have CAD. I'm supposed to record times manually for my report.
So your dispatch center doesn't keep track of your times? Whether by pen and paper or CAD, it doesn't matter, who is the authoritative documentation of your times?

Let me explain. Joe Citizen files a lawsuit against your agency, claiming it took you 25 minutes, and because of your negligence, the person died.. Your paperwork says it took 7 minutes. Dispatch says it took 15. Whose right? You (the public safety agencies) can't even agree on how long it took you to respond. so do you see how it weakens your case?

Does dispatch track your times at all? if they don't (and that would scare me), than this app is a much needed resource (especially if you can track multiple incident times, if you get sent on back to back calls).

But if they do track your times, and you can't remember to document your times as you go (and I can't, I get distracted way too easily by flashing lights and squirrels), then a simple phone call after the job would allow them to read off what they have so you are all on the same page.
Let me explain. Yes, I get times, by radio, and I have to write them down, while I'm responding.
I'm more efficient than that. I wrote an app.
You're free to not use it.
I think what he's saying is, why can't you call your dispatcher after the call is complete and get times?

While I commend the initiative, this is the answer to a problem that should be long in our past, even at the most backward organization. If it isn't, then shame on your organization; but you(nor I or anybody else) shouldn't be penciling in times on a run form while responding to calls. It's 2017.