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Hey Guys,

Havnt seen any threads on this subject so far so i thought I should start some dialogue on it. I am of the age where I am familiar with the partying lifestyle of upper high school and college kids, and the lack of judgment that goes on . A new drink has come out on the market named "FOURLOKO" with is labeled a malt drink that contains both caffeine (energy drink) and of course alcohol; so a stimulant and depressant in one... so the math in one 23.5 once Monster energy sized can, there are six cans of beer and five cups of coffee worth of caffeine, guanine ect and alcohol respectively. This beverage has caused overdoses in many college students and hospitalization due to blackouts and reactions. Now im not sure if it should become illegal because they ARE of legal age and adults and are capable of making their own decisions, but the idea of being able to be utterly destroyed on one can of beverage is concerning to say the least. Has anyone run into any cases of this and have any more information? I'll attach some news stories and reports about this subject

I've drank it once or twice. I don't see it any different than vodka redbulls or jaeger bombs. Let stupid kids make stupid decisions and kill themselves. No harm done
I've drank it. Probably will NEVER drink it again. Not my type of poison.
it seems like both of those articles the College kids mixed drugs or different types of alcohol with the drink, which is IMHO Begging for trouble.. albeit the drink is strong, it still should be drinkable in a safe fashion if the person drinking is responsible.. its not the drinks fault if you are drinking in a very unsafe fashion by mixing other drugs or other alcoholic drinks..

College Kids will be College Kids.....
it seems like both of those articles the College kids mixed drugs or different types of alcohol with the drink, which is IMHO Begging for trouble.. albeit the drink is strong, it still should be drinkable in a safe fashion if the person drinking is responsible.. its not the drinks fault if you are drinking in a very unsafe fashion by mixing other drugs or other alcoholic drinks..

College Kids will be College Kids.....

yes, one of those stories was + drugs, but there are plenty stand alone stories.
yes, one of those stories was + drugs, but there are plenty stand alone stories.

and the second one was Four Loko + Rum and Vodka= OD

which i dont know who in the right mind would do such a thing!

if you can find some stand alone stories i can comment on those!
and the second one was Four Loko + Rum and Vodka= OD

which i dont know who in the right mind would do such a thing!

if you can find some stand alone stories i can comment on those!

yeah i believe you are correct on these cases, can't seem to find an example of the standalone cases

I just wanted to mention this cause its a big deal at least around me with all of the colleges in the boston area.. i guess some stores aren't even marketing it as an alcoholic beverage
I have run into people drinking this stuff way too often for it to be considered a non-issue.

My partner and I were actually talking about this the other day, and it seems like about 1/2 of the people we pick up for alcohol related issues tell us they've been drinking Four Loko. I can think of several specific cases of alcohol overdose/poisoning (whatever you want to call it) that can be attributed to it.

Honestly, if people want to mix it themselves, fine. But I do not think alcoholic high caffeine drinks should be available on the market.
worst. hangover. ever.

Regardless of the specific beverage, there will always be people who lack self control or don't think intelligently about things. There's no banned ingredients, it is within current laws, people need to be smart about things.
I deal with a lot of homeless alcoholics, who love these drinks because they're cheap with high alcohol. Somebody who's chugged a couple of cans of joose or four loco in a short period of time is fun to have as a patient. Drunk and super wired all at once.

I think Washington's ban of them is stupid, though. Idiot kids and addicts are going to get their buzz on regardless, one way or the other.
Blame the object, instead of making people accountable for their actions.

Not any worse than drinking straight liquor.
You will never be able to convince me that the 200+mg of caffeine added to the 12% alcohol is the same as drinking straight liquor.
worst. hangover. ever.

AGREED! Yes this drink is seen as perfect for the college student, only $2.50 and you're pretty much drunk off of one can. However, it has many negative side effects, because of the mix of alcohol and caffeine. I also believe its become increasingly popular among the younger generations and even high schoolers, who don't know how to drink in moderation and know when to stop anyhow. If you're smart about it, it won't have any worse effects than that of liquor or other alcoholic drinks. But if you have chugging contests and such, of course Four Loko will have very harmful effects.
Vodka and redbull is my perferred mixed drink.

I just tried Loko for the first time the other night and had 3.5 ontop of what I was drinking already. Yes, I was drunk but I wasn't at a black out stage or anything.

I find it sad that Michigan banned it, and many others are well on their way. Whatever happened to the right to free enterprise? I.M.O. I don't think you should limit someones ability to have a successful company because others are misusing the product.... if that was the case then all alcohol and tobacco should be banned at the state level.

"too much of a good thing, can be bad"
I think part of the problem is that the company is inviting misuse, look at the size, price, colors and flavors. Think about how the tobacco companies had to change their marketing and warning labels.

Currently there are NO restrictions on these drinks aside from what has been instituted at the state level. Because of those restrictions, there are a few variations of Four Loko out there, for example a 4% alcohol version instead of 12%. After the FDA finishes their investigation into the category of caffeinated energy drinks it wouldn't surprise me if they are allowed to stay on the market with restrictions on the ratio of alcohol to caffeine, new warning labels and changes to how they are marketed.
I've never tried it yet. But I know some people who have, and they say just one is enough. Now for the dumbasses who try to be hard and drink 3 or 4 at a time, that's just asking for trouble. :ph34r:
I actually drank some last night...and I must say it does give you a different feeling. I mean, of course I didn't do drugs with it...but I did have other types of alcohol along with the fourloko... didn't know it was causing all these problems until now.
we don't even have it in canada yet... a few vodka rockstar type things but they are only 7% and I have never noticed them to be particularly intense.. rather just a less fuzzy kind of buzz. which is I suppose the problem, but the night progresses as usual from there, 2 or 3 more regular drinks and I call it a night, so I guess I've never taken it to the limit with those.

I wonder if all the problems in the states will lead to it being banned before it ever arrives?
Blame the object, instead of making people accountable for their actions.

Not any worse than drinking straight liquor.

Well, I feel like alcohol-wise, yes, and I agree with the first point...but from a health standpoint...that amount of caffeine can NOT be good to have in your body. Plus, god knows what they put in it to make it taste less like gym shorts.
Yes there are redbull and vodkas, but think about it; a redbull is about equal to one cup of decently strong coffee, and the vodka portion of the drink is DEF not equal to 6 odd beers. So to compare the portion of fourloko to a jagerbomb or vodka and redbull just isn't equivalent. It's the fact of young immature kids getting ahold of these dirt cheap beverages, having a reaction/blacking out and aspirating that's the scary thing.