Follow these rules to keep EMS personel Happy

I wholeheartedly agree to both posts.....thanx Ryan and Goddess for your imput!:)
To keep this EMT happy.......A good cup of coffee, a fresh glazed donut, (I swear it can make or break a rough shift!) and last BUT NOT LEAST....... to tell me that was a job well done! ^_^

you sure your an EMT and not a cop, hehehehe

I would add to that one of things that makes makes one of my EMT friends angry: Don't call 911 at 4am because you got your finger stuck in a rat trap 3 days ago...especially if the hospital is only 2 blocks away!!

they call from the hospital parking lot.
thats F@#king awsome showed that to my partner and he laughed his a$$ off!:P
glad I could be of assistance!B)