

Forum Crew Member
So moving to Fl is possibility in the future. What is the avg pay rate of florida emts?
In NJ it is possible to become an RN and challenge the paramedic boards without going through the medic course, does it work the same way in FL?


Forum Deputy Chief
So moving to Fl is possibility in the future. What is the avg pay rate of florida emts?
In NJ it is possible to become an RN and challenge the paramedic boards without going through the medic course, does it work the same way in FL?

EMT pay varies between services, you would just have to call some services and find out. What is this obsession with challenging the P? Nursing and Paramedicine are apples and oranges, two entirely different fields. I am speaking as an individual who completed both a Paramedic program and an RN program without any use of transition programs.

The only individuals who I would ever recommend for transition programs are RN's who are EMT-I's with > 1 yr experience in the field or in hospital in emergency medicine, or individuals who have been through medic school but had to drop out at one time or another because of life situations.

If you throw an RN on an ambulance, chances are, they will not know what to do, because everything they are taught in school is taught with the assumption that they will have a team of medical providers always with them (RRTs, MDs, other RNs, NPs, etc) in a hospital or medical facility with tools and resources such as MRI's, Lab tests, and various services available to them. . Whereas, paramedic curriculum prepares the individual to function with a sense of autonomy in many environments (extrications, houses, on the side of the road) while functioning as the sole provider on scene.

If you want your RN, by all means get your RN. If you want your NRP (Yes, I am starting to use the term NRP now instead of NREMT-P), then get in a paramedic program.


Forum Crew Member
here plain paramedics make WAY less than RN's who are paramedics. so its a money thing. I'm told all the time by paramedics to get my rn and challenge the medic.

of course emt pay varies by service. but i know the avg amount in my area will be about 11-12 an hr.
im curious if im going to be looking at 12/hr or 7/hr. ballpark is what im looking for. not exact amounts.


Forum Deputy Chief
here plain paramedics make WAY less than RN's who are paramedics. so its a money thing. I'm told all the time by paramedics to get my rn and challenge the medic.

of course emt pay varies by service. but i know the avg amount in my area will be about 11-12 an hr.
im curious if im going to be looking at 12/hr or 7/hr. ballpark is what im looking for. not exact amounts.

It usually depends on several factors. Most times, private services pay more than 911 (This is not always true). Do some checking around with the area.


Forum Chief
If you move to Central Florida AND you can get a job you'll start at 9/hr as an EMT. If you're at the IFT company for the area you'll earn 14.50 as a medic, if you're for Rural Metro you'll get 12 as a medic.