First time in 2 years someone has drown


Forum Deputy Chief
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Well it has finally happened again. For the first time since October 31 2003 someone has drown at Pensacola Beach.

Lets review the conditions under which he drown. It was a Red Flag day (for those not familiar with the flag system, let us know, we can educate). The wave were 4-6 feet. Waves in our area are not supposed to be white capping. There were flashing signs all along the beach warning everyone to stay out of the water, it was to dangerous to enter. There were Sheriff, Fire, and Life Guard Patrols on 4-wheelers telling people to get out of the water, the rip currents are to dangerous. And the lifeguards on duty were averaging 12 resuces an hour.

Yet, somehow its a "tragedy" this tourist died. At what point should our lifeguards and rescue personell be allowed to say "If you enter the water and get into trouble you will not be rescued." or "If you enter the water you will be arrested for endangering the lives of the Public Safety Personell."

Its a big debate around here. Personally, I feel that law enforcement should be able to arrest these people for endangering the lives of the would be resucers. And if the swimmer does get into trouble, well to bad so sad, when they wash up on shore they will be hauled away.

Think of it as a fully involved structure fire. Fire persons won't enter the building to do search and resuce if it is to great of risk to their lives. Why should we expect the lifeguards to enter the surf when it is to great a risk to their lives?
If it were not for the dummies we would:

be unemployed

be bored

loose many opportunities to impress a disinterested public with acts of derring-do

loose opportunities to add to the fruit salad to the point of looking like General George S. Patton

I, for one, (based solely upon the facts given) am not sorry the depth of the gene pool has risen.
Of course it was a "tragedy." It is also a "tragedy" when a drug dealer gets shot in a running gun-battle through public housing with the PD. It is also a "tragedy" when a guy, with a Blood alcohol of .20 flips his car and goes through a tree or 3.

Originally posted by ECC@Sep 28 2005, 01:45 AM
I, for one, (based solely upon the facts given) am not sorry the depth of the gene pool has risen.
Very good point. From what I've heard, this fellow might just qualify himself for a Darwin Award.... someone should nominate him.

Originally posted by EMTPrincess@Sep 28 2005, 12:21 AM

Yet, somehow its a "tragedy" this tourist died. At what point should our lifeguards and rescue personell be allowed to say "If you enter the water and get into trouble you will not be rescued." or "If you enter the water you will be arrested for endangering the lives of the Public Safety Personell."

I agree 245%. As I said in another post I really question humanity <_<