First Time E.M.T. (When can he ride?)


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So I have a buddy who is currently taking the EMT course. As of now, he is able to ride with me (EMT) as along as we have an additional EMT with us. Basically 2 EMTs, 1 non-EMT (rules as per volly squad). Of course he can't do anything, but it's good experience for him.

In a couple months he will be eligible to his state test and become an EMT. There is a two week layover from when you check online to see that you passed to test (online it states that you passed the test and is now an EMT) to when your actually EMT card arrives in the mail. I have heard it both ways saying that he needs to wait for his EMT card to arrive and others saying once he passed the test he is cleared to ride.

What do you guys think?
I would say he can be and EMT once the person in charge of the squad says he can. Usually you need the card in hand but I can only speak for WA state.
Now that I think about it, I got my job once I had my license number, but I suppose I didn't actually work on the truck until I had the physical card. That kind of thing surely varies by state, since its a state license.

Best bet is to call the state. Then of course, the chief (and/or medical director) needs to OK it. Is he already on the squad? Your wording kind of makes it sound like he will just come in the door as an EMT some day.
Our policies are different. Once a member is approved by our BOC and covered under the insurance they can run with the squad, however they must be currently in a program to become EMT for the squad. They are able to do things when directed by the EMT or Paramedic in charge, as EMT Student.

As far running after you test and before you get card, we are not allowed to do that.
I would not be providing patient care on an ambulance without my state certification in hand, and I bet that most state EMS offices would agree with this statement.

Students are entirely different.
A representative from the state office is hanging around the ambulance parking area conducting inspections, how will the conversation go when he asks for credentials?

NJAC Title 8:40-4.1e
Each crewmember shall possess and shall make available to Department staff upon demand, certification for the type or level of patient care he or she is providing. No person shall be allowed to provide a type or level of patient care beyond the level he or she is lawfully eligible to provide in the State of New Jersey. In addition, each crewmember shall, upon request by Department staff, produce a photo I.D. that Department staff may utilize in order to verify the validity of the required certification credentials.

If you're not in NJ, check your own state's statutes/laws.