First Ride-Along


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Well today was my first ride-along. I rode shotgun in an '09 Braun Raider from 6 this morning until 4 this evening. We didn't do much, just a couple transfers to a nursing home and then we carried a critical care patient 70-some miles so that he can get a heart transplant tomorrow. I really had fun, though. By the end of the day I was talking on the radio and operating the lights and sirens. Yes, I absolutely had to sit in the driver's seat before I left, so I have like 500 pictures of me inside the ambulance.
We took the lunch period to clean things up a bit; sometime you should take all the covers and panels and stuff apart and see what's back there. We found used gloves, a mcd's cheeseburger wrapper, and even a condom (still in it's package, thank god) crammed down into the crevices and cracks. Just makes you wonder what really goes on in there. Despite the sitting around waiting for something to happen, I enjoyed the experience. I have another ride scheduled for the night shift on Friday, so I can't wait!!
I even got a second part time job doing basic cleaning and maintenance for 9.50 an hour, so it's a win win. More money and experience for the career. Next I just need to get a ride on a Life Flight unit; I love civilian helicopters (especially when they do the stunt maneuvers) but I want to see the difference between regular and medical transport units.
Next I just need to get a ride on a Life Flight unit; I love civilian helicopters (especially when they do the stunt maneuvers) but I want to see the difference between regular and medical transport units.

Do you mean a ride along on a helicopter? I HIGHLY doubt that this would be possible. Among other things, those helicopters are cramped as it is. Plus, there is the fact that those helicopters are used to transfer the most critical patients. I don't really think they would let anybody without a high level of training ride in a chopper.

Glad you had fun on your ride along, though!
I could be wrong, but it sounds like you are really getting distracted by all the "bells and whistles" of EMS and emergency services. This will get you in trouble and give you a really bad label. Yes, the ambulances, lights and sirens, and medical gear, have an initial cool appeal but don't be like a moth to a flame! Worry about the CLINICAL and OPERATIONS part of EMS and not the stuff that will get you no where.

We have a name in EMS for people who freak out when they get to control the siren and watch the lights spin round and round... WHACKER!... you really don't want to be known as such.

Some air medical services allow ground EMS providers to do ride alongs... most require you to be a current EMT or Paramedic or a Student.
yeah I tried to keep focus on what was going on with the pt. in the back but got a little distracted. I didn't expect I would get to do much so when I did it was awesome. I was the same way when I first started riding with my uncle (state trooper) in his Tahoe. but anyway I think I learned something and I definitely had fun.
One of the mistakes I made when I was your age was thinking all the stuff they were teaching in High School I wouldn't need to know. I was dead wrong. Granted some useless stuff you have to learn but a lot I wish I would have paid attention to.

I remember taking biology in my 11th grade year and someone told me I didnt need to pass it... I just needed to take it for graduation requirement...wrong I had to take a home Summer course to pass it for graduation.

My point... worry about High School first and learn all the math and Science stuff that you can along with good English and writing skills... then worry about hardcore EMS.

If its hard for you to stay focused you still have much to realize about the true art of EMS.
Most helicopter unit will only let EMTs and Paramedics ride along and Medical Students and Nursing students. The reason for this is that they have weight limits already as is, and these aforementioned people will learn something useful from the ride that directly applicates to their everyday lives and patient care.

Unforunately, with just First Aid/CPR/AED, you won't have much to gain from them at this point as most of it (if not all) will be over your head. You probably won't even see a cardiac arrest since, at least around where I am, cardiac arrest is an exclusion criteria for transport by chopper.