First Code 3 call


Forum Chief
10-50 is a motor vehicle collision. 10-50 PI is persons injured, 10-50 PD is property damage. We share a freq with the county sheriff so we have to use codes that keep both agencies informed and on the same page. We're a real rural agency so we don't deal alot with urban emergencies and rarely do IFT.

Nothing will keep you guys on the same page like plain english radio transmissions will!


Forum Chief
All these people have experienced the same thing, and have said stuff that wasn't correct, were over-the-top enthusiastic, and were flat out squirrelly in their time

I still get squirrelly sometimes. With my last student I got to show him what a AAA felt like on our hospice patient. I nearly peed myself with excitement at that opprotunity.


IFT Puppet
So can I, however no matter who they are, they should be aware of the current recommendations and best practices that allow interagency operations.

yes they should be aware of it. Since NY state requires taking NIMS classes, they will be aware.

Than the city of NY, in their infinite wisdom, keeps using 10 codes. I am not defending it. Of course the events of 9/11 in NYC were the cause of the FEMA recommendations. But I digress.
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Forum Lieutenant

Congrats on what will hopefully be your first of many Code-3's, this call probably made your week as it's all new to you but was really just about average when it comes to interesting calls. I personally will pick a medical call over a trauma call any day and love having to try to figure out the why's. Some advice, first don't let these guys get to you, they are just really into EMS, that's why we are here. Second, NEVER (yes, I used CAPS) jump to conclusion on ETOH because it could be diabetic amongst other things and if you're wrong and it states that in your report, the guy can be screwed in court for no reason unless the docs in the ER got a chem test which is iffy as some docs do and some wont. Third, always try to factor in secondary issues and causes, for example, what if your Pt was hypoglycemic which caused his accident, so now he is both medical and truama... I have seen cases where a Pt had a heart attack or stroke behind the wheel and everything has to get taken into consideration. Just a few thoughts. If you have any questions, hit me up, I am always willing to help and give advice when I find time to. Good luck with your course and again a hearty congrats!!!