

Forum Deputy Chief
Well this morning, the next district over from mine was paged to a house fire right next door to the ambulance shack! (Not the one I am out of, but still, ya know we are like a family, so....) I just happened to be a minute or two away so I went to see the action. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me, (which I never leave behind, except for today of course.) so I had to take pictures with my cell phone, hence the bad quality, sorry.-_-

The blue structure next to the involved one is the ambulance shack. House has been abandoned for some time now, excepth this morning, there was a vehicle parked almost, if not actually touching the structure, kind of strange circumstances, don't you say? I'll have to keep an ear open to hear the full story. Good thing someone was at the shack to pull all the rigs out, or my service would be covering almost the whole county! Exposure dosent look to bad in the pics, but initally there was almost direct flame contact between the two structures.

p.s. sorry I can't figure out how to make the pics smaller:sad:


Nice pics, but...

Fog is useless. Put a smoothbore on that sumbitch and hit it hard. All they are doing is making a pretty show.

Big fire = big water. The second pic has what looks like a 1 3/4 line, instead of a 2.5 line.
First pic, looks like they were cooling exposures with fog, 2nd pic looks like they changed to smooth bore or adjusted and went with heavy water flow from the deck gun. Just what I got out of the pics. Looks like your crew had an exciting day lol
First pic, yes they are cooling the exposure, that pic is very early on and they were just getting the deck gun going. House was a total loss anyhow and the ambulance shack was starting to go, so...............later they adjusted the pattern down, but that blew the side wall out and spread fire everywhere so they opened it back up a little. That may be why they didn't switch to smooth.

Second pic the 1 3/4" was being used to cool a pile of junk that looked to me to have some propane tanks in it. Not sure cause I wasn't that close. Several 2 1/2"s were pulled shortly thereafter as more engines started arriving.

But now we are off on a firefighting tangent.....................
When I look at that picture, the only things I know are:
A. Fire
B. Fire bad
C. Put water on fire

But now we are off on a firefighting tangent.....................

Yeah!! Welcome to MY

Glad to hear that no one was hurt and your resources were preserved. From my armchair quarterback perspective, I would agree the circumstances are kind of sketchy.

P.S. Pretty darn good pictures, especially from a cell phone!
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P.S. Pretty darn good pictures, especially from a cell phone!

Thanks. I was thinking of going to the newspaper and asking them if they want them. I got about 15 before my memory filled up! Nobody with a real camera was on scene till after it was mostly knocked down. Just me and a few other EMT's with their cell phones. Like I said, it was real early or the scene would have been crawling with by-standers.

My district hasn't had a good fire like that in who knows how long. I was kinda bummed when the neighboring district got the fire of the year. (so far.)



You forgot something,

A. Fire
B. Fire Bad
C. Water
D. Water Good

E. Put Water on Fire
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Professionals or volunteers?
First pic, looks like they were cooling exposures with fog

While I can appreciate their well meaning intentions, there once was a man named Andy Fredricks. He has a very famous quote. It goes a little something like this...
If you put the fire out right in the first place, you won’t have to jump out the window
While I can appreciate their well meaning intentions, there once was a man named Andy Fredricks. He has a very famous quote. It goes a little something like this...

The house was fully involved. They are protecting others structures. They are doing a fine job of that!