Fire service taking the credit for EMS actions


Forum Chief
Our Fire Rescues and some county EMS agencies have very good Public/Media Relations department so we do get the publicity. Of course, Florida's population must stay informed with the older population, fixed incomes and tax reform amendments. It is a demanding audience but we achieve most of our good PR through public education to anyone who wants to know something. A known presence in the community helps keep people informed rather than waiting for your picture in the paper. Newspaper articles usually just end up as fish wrap.


Lee County EMS


Forum Asst. Chief
Public image is everything in our society. I've been trying to make this point for years. I'm even an advocate for the use of professional PR firms. The investment is money well spent in the long run. The last time we had great PR was the show Emergency!

There are few organizations better at PR than the fire department. This is because of the type of leadership training they get, their natural advantage with political ties, and the fact they physically risk their life every once in a while.

We as ems providers haven't been willing to put in the effort, do our homework, and have been happy with the status quo. Don't come crying to me when the fire and police get better press, I've got no sympathy for you. Until we decide to grow into a real profession, we are always going to be playing second fiddle. People like rid and vent know this, because both are in real professions--not glorified-stepping stone-volunteer-hobbies.

The quality of our work must demand respect. That's the only way we are ever going to get it. Take nurses for example. Nobody ever wanted to give nurses any real credit or respect. It was great having nursing slaves to order around and treat like crap. They did most of the work and the doctors got most of the credit and money. Well not anymore, because now the quality of their profession simply demands respect.

Okay, I’ll quit rambling on and go back into hiding, good discussion though, I’m enjoying it.


Forum Probie
I have been a medic for quite a while now , and as we all know ems is only involved in scences like this to ADD to the call volume of the local fire depts.
This way when its comes time for fire to get more money its not a problem.


Candy Striper
Grrrr. i know that i am late on this one but i want to voice my opinion regardless. EMS workers make less money, take on more hours and receive far less thank you's than any other civil service position. But remember the first day of EMT class when they told you all this and you still said "thats fine I'm not in it for the recognition or glory" no cop and firefighters prevent life from being taken and that's nice, but EMS can resurrect life that would otherwise make the obituaries instead of the front page with a Firefighter standing over the victim that you just saved. Oh well, firefighters do work hard to.