For the most part Fire EMS is an oxymoron.
The reason many are opposed for Fire Service EMS is due to many areas. One of my biggest reasons against Fire Service is their job and main focus is not medicine. It has never have been, never will be or should be. They can only wear so many hats and truly be proficient in so many. Their main focus is fire suppression, fire prevention and investigation and associated services such as rescue.
I never understood the reason why fire service was ever associated; except someone had to the job and they were there. It was either them or the funeral home at the time.
The other reason I mainly object is their methodology of teaching. Their system has been proven to be successful for their intent but again it is not medicine. They use the training method instead of using the education model. It is not the norm to find academically graduates within the ranks of a Fire Service. It is not necessary to have higher education for their role and to function well, not alike those in the healthcare profession. Their job is primarily blue collar and task orientated. That is not a bad thing, but this is not the way medicine or those that work in the medical field are educated the profession demands. Many of those do not realize there is a difference between training and education.
I realize there are great EMS services that are within Fire Services. I have to admit I have found that more of a rarity than the norm. It is not because of specific individuals but to the system. Again the administration of many FD emphasis is of course suppression and not EMS. It has been wide presented by associations that they do not endorse increased education levels or even accreditation of institutions that teach such programs. Also some of the same national level organizations and local FD's have admitted that EMS is simply a way to justify budgetary means to keep FTE and obtain funding otherwise that would never be achieved. This of course, does not set well among us that acclaim to be EMS professionals.
I am educated enough to know that not all of those within the Fire Service represents what I described. I also know that it is out of many of those providers hands to prevent or even change the system. Placing a burden on tax payers for lower quality or substitute services should not be allowed to justify funding for the fire service. There is very little defined management within the Fire Service itself and being able to justify their existence and the methods of their service.
R/r 911
Rid's right. For every FD that takes EMS seriously and does it well, there are 10(I'm being generous) that do it poorly, and for the wrong reasons.
Until recently in Fairfax medics used a loophole to drop their cert. You would get hired, complete the academy, then drop it and still keep the job. We're now required to keep it until we promote out of it.
You only need make apparatus tech to drop your cert anyway. Drivers are being detailed to medic units frequently and some have threatened to go inactive with their medic cert as a result. Foolish, as we receive about 11,000 to 13,000/yr in incentives plus 2 steps(another 5 grand+) over the basic FF. I guess even here some don't take the medic profession seriously as they should.
There's even a "status B" provision for medic officers who don't want to be detailed off of their suppression piece. They don't receive ALS incentive pay, or the $2/hr ride pay as a medic, but can do medic OT. The fire chief advised that the dept was dropping that program, though. Either you're a medic or you're not.
There are many of us who enjoy the medic profession, however. My dept has it's faults, but EMS delivery and resources dedicated to this division is more than adequate.
As I've wrote earlier, the only advantages fire based EMS has over third service is better staffing and better employee working conditions/benefits.
A fire based single role EMS division with properly dedicated resources would be the best of both worlds. I say fire based for the employee's benefit mainly. EMS organizations have little political influence to improve their position as a stand alone entity.
Other than Acadian, I don't know of any privates that run things as well as a good TSEMS or FBEMS agency.