FDNY Ride Along.


Forum Lieutenant
Hi, any FDNY guys around? I am an EMT student and my state written is on March 15th. I think I will pass the state test because I have done very well in the class.

I will be going for a ride along on BLS and ALS buses with the FDNY sometime in the near future.

I would like to know if there are anything I should know before going, perhaps some tips on what to look for, or tips for proper ride along etiquette.

I have a couple of uniform questions for you FDNY guys/girls.

Why do I never see FDNY EMS in cargo pants ? I think cargo pants are awesome.

Why dont the Shirt and Jackets match up ? The shirt has two shoulder patches and FDNY - EMT in the front, but the Jacket has just one shoulder patch, and instead of FDNY - EMT, it has the FDNY - Name.

What is the policy on collar brass ? I see it on some shirts, I dont see it on others, If I see it on shirts, I dont see it on jackets. I swear: one time I saw one collar brass on just one side of the jacket and nothing else.

The reason for my curiosity is that I am former military, and we took uniformity of our uniforms very seriously, even if it isnt the class A... the NYPD seems to have very good uniform continuity, and they have cargo pants.. :)

thanks for your help guys, stay safe.
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Forum Lieutenant
I wish I could awnserw all those questions but I don't have the answers to them:sad:.My best word of device is don't. Crowd the medic if they don't want you to.what mean is If they are working and haven't asked for your help don't start doing random stuff unless they ask youto. And have fun...


Forum Ride Along

@Miscusi, While I have never done a ride along with FDNY, I have done a lot of time with other companies. As stated above, do not get in the way of the medic. They are usually experienced, and don't need another set of hands, moving all their stuff around. I once got yelled at by my senior medic, because I decided to help him by "prepping" band-aids by taking off the wax paper, leaving the sticky side up. Obviously, that only made life harder for him.


Forum Ride Along
Ride along

Just be courteous and patient, don't worry about uni. Do worry about not being in the way, salty dogs tend to bite when we get annoyed. Think first, ask questions after, nothing will alienate you faster than running it up. Make a point of asking about do's and don'ts, we all have em. Good luck and have fun with it, did a stint (ride along that is) with Eng 5 near the east village back in '93, good time
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Forum Probie
For your ride along. Keep your eyes open and your mouth shut. As i was told on my ride along! Fdny dosent use cargo pants For whatever reason. Probably a $$ issue. Since the colors on our pants and shirts dont even match! Jacket has one fdny shoulder patch on left side and the right side is reserved for the station patch.. Which only about 3% of people including myself actually use. You will be hard pressed to find an emt/medic on he street wearing collar brass.. Too easy to lose. Lt and up usually wear it. The tie and clip are part of the uniform also but NOBODY wears that thing.


Forum Lieutenant
"has one fdny shoulder patch on left side and the right side is reserved for the station patch.. Which only about 3% of people including myself actually use."

Wow, the station has its on patch ? thats very nice.

you mentioned that tie and clip are part of the uniform, but then nobody wears it, and the collar brass nobody wears, etc etc

but is there no enforcement to the uniform regulations ? are there no uniform inspections where emts will be peanilized for not being in regulation? would a properly uniformed EMT have the collar brass and tie and clip and all that ?


Forum Probie
Technically yes. But collar brass and tie and clip are not enforced mot expected to be worn.. Only people i see on the street wearing the ties
Are chiefs. As far as inspections go
At the station level they do
Not happen if a lt notices something out of regulation you may get a verbal
Warning but we usually get away with custom station hats and winter caps.
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Forum Lieutenant
oh wow, thats really strange sounding to me, My boy scout troop had stricter uniform regulations that that ! ha ha ha... but I guess after all, it isnt really a uniformed force in the traditional sense, it is healthcare, not combat.. :)


Forum Lieutenant
Well, In closing, I have gone on the ride along. I was shocked to see that most of the calls were mostly nothing at all. EDP, homeless etc... but the men were professional, everybody was friendly, and a word of advice to anyone else to go, Wear a suit. why ? I kept getting stopped by security everywhere who wondered who I was. Without a uniform, so many questionable looks esp from the police. It got better when I clipped my ID card to my shirt, but still afterwards some security still didnt see that... I was wearing casual clothing. Im pretty sure that had I wore a suit I would have been more seamless.. I did buy lunch, and the guys were really happy about that. I have learned more than I bargained for ! I think I will go ride along again soon !

Medic Tim

Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
I am surprised they don't have a student or ride along dress code. I know I would feel out of place being in casual clothes while everyone else is in uniform. You will probably get further with dark ems pants and a plain navy polo with your student tag or hiur school uniform if it has one. If you look like an emt the pt and crew will probable let you do more.
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Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
I am surprised they don't have a student or ride along dress code. I know I would feel out of place being in casual clothes while everyone else is in uniform. You will probably get further with dark ems pants and a plain navy polo with your student tag or hiur school uniform if it has one. If you look like an emt the pt and crew will probable let you do more.
Follow his advice.
Well, In closing, I have gone on the ride along. I was shocked to see that most of the calls were mostly nothing at all. EDP, homeless etc... but the men were professional, everybody was friendly, and a word of advice to anyone else to go, Wear a suit. why ? I kept getting stopped by security everywhere who wondered who I was. Without a uniform, so many questionable looks esp from the police. It got better when I clipped my ID card to my shirt, but still afterwards some security still didnt see that... I was wearing casual clothing. Im pretty sure that had I wore a suit I would have been more seamless.. I did buy lunch, and the guys were really happy about that. I have learned more than I bargained for ! I think I will go ride along again soon !
Avoid wearing a suit on an ambulance. Not only will you like quite odd and stand out like a sore thumb in the wrong way (don't expect security to open the door just because you're wearing slacks and a jacket), but not every call is "mostly nothing at all." Suites are expensive, too expensive to be vomited or peed on.


I would love to do a ride along with FDNY EMS if I ever get out there. It'd be fun stuff I think.

Anyone know where you can get FDNY EMS shirts/hats at that aren't that touristy crap?