FDNY EMS Candidates

Outstanding certification means you're not eligible at the moment to be hired as your file is pending review by a senior investigator.
Got it. So that's a good thing then. It means it's in the decision makers hands at this point.
Outstanding certification means you're not eligible at the moment to be hired as your file is pending review by a senior investigator.

Dude. Don't even bother with that anymore. I did a little experiment..... I'm still on outstanding certification and got my call for the Academy.... Stop stressing the automated system. Lol
Ah okay so something Changed. We will find out when someone asks Peggy Quinn at orientation lol it was asked at the academy?
Whatever the answer Peggy gives you, post it!
Hello everyone! Good luck to all the people who made it to the next academy starting July 25! See you there! Also someone asked about carpooling I heard lots of people carpool and not to worry. I use public transportation so I'm sorry it can't be me. I'm still looking for someone to switch with if it's even possible to do. I got the 330-1130pm tour and NEED the morning tour...please please please if anyone knows of anyone , thank you!
Hello everyone! Good luck to all the people who made it to the next academy starting July 25! See you there! Also someone asked about carpooling I heard lots of people carpool and not to worry. I use public transportation so I'm sorry it can't be me. I'm still looking for someone to switch with if it's even possible to do. I got the 330-1130pm tour and NEED the morning tour...please please please if anyone knows of anyone , thank you!

You should probably call your investigator instead of asking here. See if there is a spot open in AM.
Whatever the answer Peggy gives you, post it!
I'm already otj. Someone who goes to orientation should post. But the July 26 class should be allowed to apply for promo, but will still have to do their 2 years.
Just applyed for exam 7000 but i got no number or dont know how many points i got, im confussed aswell because it still says continue/edit exam instead of it being under completed exams, can someone please clarify things I appreciate it.
I'm already otj. Someone who goes to orientation should post. But the July 26 class should be allowed to apply for promo, but will still have to do their 2 years.
Understood, the test is every five years so the next one should be December 2021 since the 2011 promo was in December and this one will most likely be in September too right? At least that's what I think
Understood, the test is every five years so the next one should be December 2021 since the 2011 promo was in December and this one will most likely be in September too right? At least that's what I think
December* not September
There was only one person in the last class who had to leave after not doing well in the pt, and that was because he had a medical issue with it. The three other people that left this last class were 2 for other jobs, and then the last person got into medical school. With pt, just work your *** off and don't ever stop, just keep going.

As far as the promotion, filing for the test hasn't even been posted. And if they deny someone who is officially on the job for no matter what amount of time, dcas would probably be looking at a serious lawsuit. So don't freak out about that.
What if you can't run the 1.5 mile run in the beginning?

Most people weren't able to do it. But just work your hardest during pt and you'll see yourself gradually improving
Awesome thanks!!!!!!! I'm most worried about the running
Well u got a few weeks u better get outside and run that's the best advice I can give as for the 1.5 everyone in my platoon made it no one fell out. I don't wanna scare u but 1.5 is nothing for the amount they will have you running so get ur endurance up get outside early in the morning ND start jogging until u can do 2 miles easily
Well u got a few weeks u better get outside and run that's the best advice I can give as for the 1.5 everyone in my platoon made it no one fell out. I don't wanna scare u but 1.5 is nothing for the amount they will have you running so get ur endurance up get outside early in the morning ND start jogging until u can do 2 miles easily
A few weeks? Even though the academy starts in a week and a 2 day. Lol
A few weeks? Even though the academy starts in a week and a 2 day. Lol
Yeah bcuz u don't start PT till the 2nd week so you have time to practice. I was terrified of running bcuz I'm a sprinter not a long distance runner and running before really helped me even if u do 2 jogs around it'll help u mentally so u know what to expect
Yeah bcuz u don't start PT till the 2nd week so you have time to practice. I was terrified of running bcuz I'm a sprinter not a long distance runner and running before really helped me even if u do 2 jogs around it'll help u mentally so u know what to expect

Thanks! How bad do you have to be at running to fail out from it? Lol
Thanks! How bad do you have to be at running to fail out from it? Lol
It's not about how fast u can run its about finishing just never walk or stop if u stop they assume u are "code 10" and u go to ambulance that can get you jammed up and sent back for full medical. Mind over matter when your body is telling u to stop keep going push thru. when u start group runs they'll ask slowest runners go to front to set the pace do not be embarrassed to get close to the front.