FDNY EMS Candidates

I spoke to my investigator today she said they still making calls and will be making calls for a few more days. My list number is 59* and she said dont lose hope about this class cause so many ppl turn down get denied etc. She said we still have time we will be surprised

My investigator said the same thing tia. It just seems they are not making any calls though. I haven't heard anything and I'm very close to having my list number reached

I honestly don't think they'll reach up to the 500's for Jan. I HOPE they do, but it seems highly unlikely. I think that we're looking at April, which isn't that far.
I honestly don't think they'll reach up to the 500's for Jan. I HOPE they do, but it seems highly unlikely. I think that we're looking at April, which isn't that far.
Yea i doubt it too. I learned my lesson about getting over excited about city jobs until a pre employment or something. So im gonna just wait. Im just stuck in transport and it sucks
Tia what list number are you again?
Yea i doubt it too. I learned my lesson about getting over excited about city jobs until a pre employment or something. So im gonna just wait. Im just stuck in transport and it sucks

I know how you feel, but for everyone 350 (maybe even higher) and above, seems like we're most likely in April, so its all good, 4 months away ain't too bad.
Just got the call. They had both classes open. List 34*
GTFO, CONGRATS BROTHA! AND both classes opened STILL?????? thats nuts.
Thanks bud. I got a call from a very nice lady telling me they still had both classes open
That's crazy. Both classes still had openings and they went through 340 Candidates. 30 or 80 (forgot which #) went to the last class. So maybe they'll get to 380.
everyone was right when they said being patient is the key. You'll get your call and if anyone has any questions let us know
For anyone who got the call May I ask if the person who called mentioned something about academics and maintaining a certain average?
For anyone who got the call May I ask if the person who called mentioned something about academics and maintaining a certain average?
Gotta have a passing average on the 13 quizzes they give, and have to pass the state, then said if u fail you must sign up for another exam in September but I've heard that if you mess up, you can go into the next academy. Not too sure about if she said anything about maintaining a certain average though dude
My investigator said the same thing tia. It just seems they are not making any calls though. I haven't heard anything and I'm very close to having my list number reached
omg i really hope they call you. the thought of knowing you are so close and waiting is too nerve wrecking
for those that got called today, did they say when you guys can expect to get your offer letters?
Chances are you wont have the letter on time I was called last wed and my letter went out yesterday. Crazy stuff you would think they would overnight it with this short of time before Monday at headquarters
They told me they sent mine out yesterday. Then they called me back to say they sent me two letters because they left some papers out.