FDNY EMS Candidates

Hey just an FYI with corrections. My buddy works there and unless you want to work 80 hrs a week and get stuck there and never know if you can leave don't take it. It's kinda screwed I got called for it but passed after I heard the nightmares from a few people. Is good money but no quality of life.
Yea alot of my family and friends are in there including captains. The hrs are ridiculous money is excellent but im still ready lol
My job received a letter over a month ago, don't know if they sent anything recently but I know for a fact they sent one back in October or November. Once the employer gets that letter it usually means you're in the next class
My employers got it over the summer. So i dont think it means youre in the next class.
Fd my investigator told me I was I'm final review and my file was off the table, but last week a letter got sent to my current job. I find it strange because my previous jobs got letters months ago.
for those that got the call, when you guys think we will get the offer letter in the mail?
for those that got the call, when you guys think we will get the offer letter in the mail?

I'm guessing sometime this week. I made the mistake of asking the guy that called me and got the response of "I don't work for the post office" lol
I'm guessing sometime this week. I made the mistake of asking the guy that called me and got the response of "I don't work for the post office" lol
lol we shud start bugging post office for our letters, yea i figure since we start doing fdny stuff on the 4th so prally this week we get those sweeet offer letters
I have a problem...my letter for my psych just got to my house today. Dated december 1st with my appointment december 15th. I left a message for my investigator telling him the letter got lost in the mail. How screwed am I? How soon before I can re-schedule? Anyone have a problem like this or heard of one? I'm nervous.
I have a problem...my letter for my psych just got to my house today. Dated december 1st with my appointment december 15th. I left a message for my investigator telling him the letter got lost in the mail. How screwed am I? How soon before I can re-schedule? Anyone have a problem like this or heard of one? I'm nervous.

I'm sure you'll be fine, I'm sure you're not the first person that happened to. Don't sweat it bro, call back CID Monday
i chose pm class too, so does anyone know how much more they pay since its pm class?
i chose pm class too, so does anyone know how much more they pay since its pm class?
are you sure they even pay more in the academy? i know obj they do but the academy too sounds too good to be true
are you sure they even pay more in the academy? i know obj they do but the academy too sounds too good to be true

You will take home more in the academy because things like union dues haven't started coming out yet. But, obviously, overtime is readily available once in the street.
Is there another piss test between now and the academy , don't wanna drink the night before one
I think they tested my urine twice during the whole process. I've been working here for a little while now, just fyi... I heard this from a chief at the academy while he was at my station, they are planning on putting through a few very large classes in the coming year, roughly 160 split between tour 2 and 3. Yall should be okay. Good luck!
I think they tested my urine twice during the whole process. I've been working here for a little while now, just fyi... I heard this from a chief at the academy while he was at my station, they are planning on putting through a few very large classes in the coming year, roughly 160 split between tour 2 and 3. Yall should be okay. Good luck!
was the first pay check in the academy on the 3rd week?
My list # is 130 on test 5003 for ems and haven't recieved a call yet. My investigator said i'm all good to go and should be getting a call. I'm also #3472 on the firefighter list also and was told I should be in probie school in June i'm hoping they don't skip ove rme because of the firefighter process.