FDNY EMS Candidates

Heyyy guys I just have a quick question for anyone done with the process. I just relized I forgot all my DCAS info (username ad password!). I was just wondering if ill ever need to log into my account again? I currently have my list number, will I ever need to log in again for future steps? Thank you.
Got the call !! While in Miami haha .. List #1369
I found out what happened to me, I was disqualified for my "weight" then won my appeal, but FDNY forgot to tell DCAS that I was qualified so they passed my # :mad:

hopefully I find out if i'll be joining you guys by today or tomorrow.

How many re weigh ins did you get?
for the ppl that got the call did they mention anything about emailing anything ? I was told everything was coming in the mail
The offer letter n everything else comes n the mail...ur n the night tour?
Oh ok just making sure I heard him correctly , yea I went for the pm class .. Going to metro tech this Tuesday .. And fort totten for uniform fitting Friday
I wonder what number they'll get too... I'm 41X, so not anytime soon. I heard they might do a dispatch only class in october?
How many classes are there? Whens the next one?
(i know it can always change, but whats the pattern of when the classes are?)