FDNY EMS Candidates

Still waiting.. 11x.. do we call our investigators? Do we just keep waiting?
Just keep waiting but if you want to go ahead and call, be my guest. It can't hurt. I can't actually call because I'm at work.
Is it your investigator that calls and offers you the job?
No, it's usually a supervisor/senior investigator who has your file after your investigator moves it on to them for final processing.
Really bummed out I got passed over when my investigator told me all was well and to hang tight. Haven't heard anything from anyone since then and it's been 2 weeks.
Really bummed out I got passed over when my investigator told me all was well and to hang tight. Haven't heard anything from anyone since then and it's been 2 weeks.
What do you mean you just got passed over?
What do you mean you just got passed over?
I'm assuming I missed this class considering I didn't get the call and I have a ton of friends from my current company who got the call when they were like 50 numbers higher than me. I'm 13X with no call and I have friends who are 18X and got called
I'm assuming I missed this class considering I didn't get the call and I have a ton of friends from my current company who got the call when they were like 50 numbers higher than me. I'm 13X with no call and I have friends who are 18X and got called
I just called the CID number and the lady I spoke with told me nobody from 6003 has gotten a call.. uhhhhh what?!