FDNY EMS Candidates

they do pushups, some running, situps, I know someone on here mentioned something on here about getting to "love the hill", not crazy amount of pt my friend has said, but depends what kind of surgery youre having dude.
I hear ya I know they do that I've heard mixed info on whether that starts after recertityinv or from the beginning. Not to be gross but I'm having a hemorrhoid fixed
I hear ya I know they do that I've heard mixed info on whether that starts after recertityinv or from the beginning. Not to be gross but I'm having a hemorrhoid fixed
Ah sounds like fun lol. For your sake hopefully they don't do pt the first few weeks
You definitely run and do pt everyday. Its a military style organization
Im not in the academy but hopefully I will be in this January. If you are in shape then you have nothing to worry about but you should expect to run a mile or two everyday
For u guys waiting chief of training at BOT stated Jan 11th is the next academy ! We graduate tomorrow so see u guys out there in the streets get ready the academy is a great time ur gonna miss it when it's over!!
Question for the guys in the academy now or previously graduated. During the first two weeks when you recertity are you doing physical training or just learning and practicals? Just wondering having a minor procedure done first week of Jan and supposed to take it easy for a Cpl weeks wondering how much physical training is done the first two weeks. Hopefully they move me up to December and it's a moot point. Let me know. Thanks
It's a lot of PT the first 3 weeks once u break off into platoons u do less PT , PT isn't that bad but they try to whip u into some form of shape during the time they have u .. Push-ups squats .. Mountain climbs .. V ups .. Mile runs
For u guys waiting chief of training at BOT stated Jan 11th is the next academy ! We graduate tomorrow so see u guys out there in the streets get ready the academy is a great time ur gonna miss it when it's over!!
Thanks for your help bro. Appreciate it. So the earliest they can start calls is the 21..3 weeks before but most likely it's 2 weeks before. Any word about it being a bigger class? 200 opposed to.120?
Thanks for your help bro. Appreciate it. So the earliest they can start calls is the 21..3 weeks before but most likely it's 2 weeks before. Any word about it being a bigger class? 200 opposed to.120?
No prob bro if ur FDNY ur a family and I'm not 100% sure on the class number he did not state that I'm guessing it's going to be 120 tho and most of u are going to communications or the Bronx lol
No prob bro if ur FDNY ur a family and I'm not 100% sure on the class number he did not state that I'm guessing it's going to be 120 tho and most of u are going to communications or the Bronx lol
yeah? why do u say that about us going tot he Bronx or emd lol
Once you're in the regular class u write down what division u want..or u can voluntarily write u want dispatch. Last year jan/feb they had a class all emd..you could have deferred and waited for March class or something like that..2 more weeks guys
That's where the dept need is high esp the BX and most ppl that got sent to the bx from my class that doesn't want to be there will transfer out and they send the new guys there
The chief said this or you just think that's what probably will happen bro
The chief said this or you just think that's what probably will happen bro
No chief didn't say it but this is what regularly happens every class the bx is the busiest borough so the demand out there is high most ppl don't like being out there if u have to pay a toll to get there .. Every class at least 8 the least go to emd some chose to go some don't