My process started September of 2014 doing the application. Was notified in April of 2015 of my score and list number. Shortly after that got the letter for the physical agility, which took place in May. Now, I'm on the medic list which is significantly lower on numbers than the basic list (I think there's a total of 130 that qualified for the list to start with, compared to the 1000+ on the basic). At the agility, they told us we would be moving along the process very quickly, since they wanted us for Septembers class. After the agility, the intake took place about a week later. A few weeks after that I got the medical and psych letters, which were 2 days apart. I returned 30 days after the medical for the re-weigh in and made it as I mentioned earlier. Besides having to stop back in to give my investigator some paperwork I was waiting forever for, it really is just a waiting game, which is where I'm at now.
Side note- the outstanding paperwork I had was from the department of labor. I was on unemployment 11 years ago, and my investigator requested just a print out of the benefits I received. I thought that would be simple enough. Wrong. Since my benefits were from a while ago, my records were not online to just print out. So I sent an email through the website (because of course, there is no number to call and talk to a human), which came back with a return to send a letter requesting my benefits with the dates I was on it and my social. After not hearing again at all, I sent in a FOIL request through the website, which I then began a trail of snail mail and fax responses. I finally got a little postcard in the mail saying they had all my info, and that it would take 20 days to send me the info. Luckily, my investigator was very understanding and when it finally came a few weeks ago, I ran in and dropped it off to her. Moral of the story, if you were ever on unemployment, put in for your records right away. It takes well over a month to get something so simple.
Side note- the outstanding paperwork I had was from the department of labor. I was on unemployment 11 years ago, and my investigator requested just a print out of the benefits I received. I thought that would be simple enough. Wrong. Since my benefits were from a while ago, my records were not online to just print out. So I sent an email through the website (because of course, there is no number to call and talk to a human), which came back with a return to send a letter requesting my benefits with the dates I was on it and my social. After not hearing again at all, I sent in a FOIL request through the website, which I then began a trail of snail mail and fax responses. I finally got a little postcard in the mail saying they had all my info, and that it would take 20 days to send me the info. Luckily, my investigator was very understanding and when it finally came a few weeks ago, I ran in and dropped it off to her. Moral of the story, if you were ever on unemployment, put in for your records right away. It takes well over a month to get something so simple.