FDNY EMS Candidates

I have a question for the people who are starting on the 21st at Fort Totten, who lives in Brooklyn, who is driving from Brooklyn and who is willing to car pool. As of right now my travel time via MTA will be about 3 hours each way. Any help would be appreciated. You can PM if you want instead of going on blast here.
I live in Manhattan and I'll be driving if anyone else is in Manhattan going to the night class.
Oh and I should have stated that I am in the morning class.
Dude you should just go straight to fire if your close on that list... It doesn't make much sense to go through emt and then have to wait for fire.. Especially I they by some chance assign you to EMD that would blow

Can you not transfer from EMD to fire or something? Why are you saying it would blow?
If your goal is to do fire... EMD is the farthest thing from fire haha. And your stuck in EMS for at least 2 years. That's a long wait and a lot of lost $$$. So ya, it would blow if that is your goal
If your looking to go to fire like a lot of us, this summer is potentially looking pretty good. This summer marks 4 years of the last application period. Usually they do it every four years. I have no idea when the promo is but just based on chronology and life of the current list I would think the ball will be rolling sooner rather then later.
If your goal is to do fire... EMD is the farthest thing from fire haha. And your stuck in EMS for at least 2 years. That's a long wait and a lot of lost $$$. So ya, it would blow if that is your goal

If your looking to go to fire like a lot of us, this summer is potentially looking pretty good. This summer marks 4 years of the last application period. Usually they do it every four years. I have no idea when the promo is but just based on chronology and life of the current list I would think the ball will be rolling sooner rather then later.

Took the last open competitive, and planning on taking the next. I'm in Westchester, so I'm not getting any extra points added to my score.

However I'm a certified EMT, so going through FDNY EMS might be my only way to fire. I just want to keep doors open for myself, and if it takes 2+ years to open a door, so be it.
Hey guys, new to this thread. I am on 5003 with a high list number. Just wondering if anyone can make an estimate on when I will be called for physical. Feel like it's going to take forever. Any words of encouragement? Lol List number 11**
12xx on 4004. I hope you have extreme patience. Your probably looking at a Oct PAT. Which is a tease, since you'd be waiting mid to late 2016 for the Academy.
12xx on 4004. I hope you have extreme patience. Your probably looking at a Oct PAT. Which is a tease, since you'd be waiting mid to late 2016 for the Academy.
Yikes! But late 2016 academy? Really? Was I crazy for expecting to wait AT LEAST 2 years for the academy? So basically I can finish the whole process by the end of 2015 and then wait a year plus for the Academy?
It's really cause of your high number, with hindsight I would've done one of those Certs, to gain like an additional 5 points or something. The additional 5 points or so make a hugee difference. Basically every 5 points is like shaving 3 months off waiting.
I'm right behind u mugs89 lets hope July is our time .. And yea this wait is a pain esp if it's something u really want . Keep busy bro to keep your mind off of it and keep your options open
I was fired back in January for failure to submit accident report within 24 hours I was still employed after I finished the whole process Psych/Medical etc. and now Fire has called and offered me the academy date but we have to fill out the CPD-B again.. Should I tell them about what happened? Will they hold me back from the class I was offered? Or will they not care since they've done the background check already the employer never received anything I believe.
they called and never mentioned it only that I was missing documents.. I haven't lied about anything and don't want to but is it worth putting myself out there for no reason?

Anyone have insight or been in this predicament I don't want to be held back.. I'm really excited to finally have this opportunity.

Please and thank you for your help.

Good luck and Blessings to everyone
I was fired back in January for failure to submit accident report within 24 hours I was still employed after I finished the whole process Psych/Medical etc. and now Fire has called and offered me the academy date but we have to fill out the CPD-B again.. Should I tell them about what happened? Will they hold me back from the class I was offered? Or will they not care since they've done the background check already the employer never received anything I believe.
they called and never mentioned it only that I was missing documents.. I haven't lied about anything and don't want to but is it worth putting myself out there for no reason?

Anyone have insight or been in this predicament I don't want to be held back.. I'm really excited to finally have this opportunity.

Please and thank you for your help.

Good luck and Blessings to everyone

So first, when I received the call the BI asked me 3 questions, had I moved, did I get any summons, and did my employment change at all since the last time I spoke with my BI. I do not know if you were asked the same questions but if you were then you lied right there to that BI (employment to no employment = change in employment). You are supposed to notify your BI anytime one of those things changes.

Now, as far as them finding out? I do not know. They may or may not. Also, remember that it will not matter when then find out, whether its tomorrow or 10yrs from now, FDNY can still terminate you for lying during the hiring process. Any employer can.

This is a personal choice you need answer yourself. Do I keep my head down, mouth shut, go forward with the process and hope they do not find out and get DQ'd for sure when they do? Or do I tell them now and hope I am not DQ'd on the spot?

Now my own personal story. I took someone's advice once (for something very silly) and I did not get a job because of the very advice that I was given. I knew what I should have done from the beginning but because I thought this person knew what they were talking about, because I was embarrassed and because I did not think they would ever find out, I did not get that job.

It's a tough choice buddy, I'm sorry. Good luck.
List #2x on 5003 , at intake the investigator said they are processing the first 100 on 5003 for the September class with a chance of July