FDNY EMS Candidates

Why'd u get skipped in the first place? And I'm sure if ur folder is on point ull be called...unless no one wants to call 666...jk
Why'd u get skipped in the first place? And I'm sure if ur folder is on point ull be called...unless no one wants to call 666...jk

I got skipped initially because I needed a letter of support for a brief period in which I was unemployed which I provided immediately
They should call you for this class. If you can email your investigator and see if they can help you out
Just wait patiently they obv aren't going in specific order , im sure they will get to u in time , im sure the class isn't filled yet .
Exam #4004 academy is 10 weeks and 6 months extra if you are selected for dispatch. Salary in the academy amounts to 31,931 (pretty sure that's what I heard) id photos are mon-wed next week at metro. Uniform fitting is thurs and friday at fort totten. Orientation the following monday, and tues academy starts at totten

Wait, so we can be chosen to be dispatchers??? Is it hard? What do they teach you in the classes?

Also, does anyone know what the percentage of drop outs and fail outs in the academy is? Do we have to pass a final exam? Thanks.
Wait, so we can be chosen to be dispatchers??? Is it hard? What do they teach you in the classes?

Also, does anyone know what the percentage of drop outs and fail outs in the academy is? Do we have to pass a final exam? Thanks.
She told me they randomly select the dispatchers. After the initial 10 weeks, dispatchers get 6 months of additional training and have to be in dispatch for at least 1 yr before transferring out.
Wait, so we can be chosen to be dispatchers??? Is it hard? What do they teach you in the classes?

Also, does anyone know what the percentage of drop outs and fail outs in the academy is? Do we have to pass a final exam? Thanks.

Yes, 1/3 of your academy (TOP 15-03 I assume) will automatically to assigned EMD. They take Volleys first but if there are not enough, they will mandate you. You will learn more about their role while in TOP class. The fail rate for the academy is very minute...just study and take what the instructors say seriously. They don't want anyone to fail anymore than you do.

As long as your file is outstanding, your file is off your BI desk and is under final review. A higher investigator will call you with an offer if your qualified, possibly Peggy Quinn, who is the Senior BI of the entire FDNY. Do not attempt to call her, it's not in your best interest. My best advice, wait patiently.
My file has been outstanding for months, it doesn't necessarily mean it is under final review
Bro ur gonna be fine, patience is key, as shown on numerous occasions. There are countless examples on this message board.