The reason being is majority of the ER visits are B.S. People automatically assume that they are at a Five Star Hotel. I left ER nursing because while I took care of an AMI, I had to answer call lights and fluff the pillow for the tooth ache patient X 6 months. Meanwhile, I had the irritated family whom had been there for 12 hours because there were no hospital beds.
It is easy for Doc's to enter and leave and give orders without really assessing or watching the patient. Some patients are great actors, and I have seen dramatization to fool the best. While agonizing in some form of pain in front of the physician, one will catch them up and around at the vending machine or prowling through the drawers/cabinets loading up on bandages. Then there are times quite the opposite in attempting to get a physician to address the pain.
I agree apathy is high, and there is a reason. It used to be one ER nurse per 3-4 patients, now it is not unusual to see 5-7 patient load. Majority of the patients that go to the ER, should had be seen in the clinic, or an urgent care setting. Even physicians have now utilized the ED as an outpatient setting. When one really has a real emergency patient, there is not enough staff or even a room to treat them. Remember, as an EMT you only usually have one patient, and are only with them for <30 minutes to an hour, not 4-? hours. I know of many ER nurses that get a UTI, because of never having the time to even go to the bathroom.
I realize many are not aware that actually most newer nurses and even seasoned ones, do NOT want to work in a ER. It is known as chaotic, hectic, get treated like feces, and full of complaints from patients & family, etc. Why not go and work areas like out patient surgery? No hassles, no complaints, and one can sit don every so often, and have week ends off. Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) predicts the average length of ER nurses has been reduced from 5 years, to about 2 years and lowering, again with very few choosing to enter the ED.
Unfortunately, it is going to get worse, before it gets better. Aging population, no medical coverage or uninsured, and abusers know ER's cannot refuse, and use as the sole provider for health care. We have not seen the tip of the crisis yet.
R/r 911