Fake Responder Interferes at Oklahoma Crash Scene

I was wondering how someone is a Paramedic student, but has not taken EMT yet? I know Cali is backwards, But I know they are not that backwards?

My 12 year old cousin wants to be a lifeguard in a few years and is already claiming to be pre-med to his friends. he responds to calls on his bike and does brain surgery on intracranial bleeds...
Based on his posts I'm guessing that he's nothing more than a kid...at best maybe 18 or so, but I have my doubts about even that. Something similar to your cousin really...I know there are SAR teams that have teens as members so that part may even be legit.

And don't worry, I'm not lumping all SAR teams together; my past teammates might be upset with me if I did.
Im not only a EMT (soon to be Paramedic) but also in the Sheriffs SAR here. I tend to respond to any emergency I see regardless of on duty or not, no matter what. However, in my vehicle (or any Im riding in at the time) I always have at the least my ball cap (Sheriffs Department Search and Resuce Medic) and if possible my uniform shirt (Sheriffs Dept. patches, same basic uniform, just organge instead of black), trauma bag with a star of life and "Sheriff Search and Rescue" on it, my Sheriffs ID card, orange vest saying Sheriff Medic and sometimes my badge. I typically always wear boots and bdu's if not my complete uniform. I do off-duty patrols during peak times to alleviate the needs of the department.

The point is I have a buddy who wanted to be a cop, firefighter etc. all his life but never did it. When Im doing off-duty patrols, he comes along and helps out. He tries to claim he is with me, giving off the appearance of being in the Sheriffs, a medic or whatever. I always call him on it but it causes problems for me, someone who is legitimate and trying to help. Thats why I always try and be ready because around here, a big metro area, people, especially PD, SD and FD, are weary of others. My friend doesnt help that.

The moral of this is always carry around your uniform or at least ID. I never accept the help of someone unless I know they are legit. To much a liability. My buddy usually just does crowd control or gets me supplies. I never let him do anything medical (except help in CPR which he is certified).

Dude seriously WTF is wrong with you? Sounds like you have some form of psychological problem. Are these sorts of people common in the States, if so, man glad I don't work in EMS there.
based on his posts i'm guessing that he's nothing more than a kid...at best maybe 18 or so, but i have my doubts about even that. Something similar to your cousin really...i know there are sar teams that have teens as members so that part may even be legit.

And don't worry, i'm not lumping all sar teams together; my past teammates might be upset with me if i did.

Scratch that... read his other post.
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He said "Not only an EMT" meaning he is one already.

Check out other threads. he identifies himself 4 seperate ways:

Pre-EMT Student
Paramedic Student
SAR Paramedic Responding to Calls in his POV

You can't be all of them. See post 13 on this thread and http://www.emtlife.com/showthread.php?t=14149

Nevr mind you changed your post after seeing other posts. Odd, ain't it?
I agree 100%. No wait, I actually disagree 100%. Wait...what exactly did you mean? I'm so confused....

On a side note for the mods, the way this thread has gone is the way that all to often get's a thread closed and posts deleted. I really hope that DOESN'T happen here; as so many people like to point out, this forum is open to anyone and we do sometimes get regular people with no EMS experience/knowledge here. If the type of post that set off these last few posts is allowed to go unchallenged...what kind of image is that spreading? Wouldn't it be better to make it clear that that type of behavior is not the norm and unacceptable?
I am originally from Sacramento, It is a big town. Alot of people most of them decent some not so much. With 2 main fire depts and and several private, you have to be able to know your surroundings if not the people, that are on scene, just keep your eyes peeled for unusual activity and if your not sure about someone introduce yourself and try to get some info a person who belongs will be able to answer appropriatly. just my 2 cents,
just keep your eyes peeled for unusual activity and if your not sure about someone introduce yourself and try to get some info a person who belongs will be able to answer appropriatly. just my 2 cents,

So you guys don't allow for outsiders or something and advocate vigilantes in Sacramento?