Eye Opener!!


Having worked in a jail in South Dakota, it was part of my job to type up the Judgement and Sentences to be forwarded to the FBI for inclusion in their III file. I know for a fact that not everyone convicted of a "sexual" crime was required to be registered as a sex offender. The requirement to be registered was a combination of things: 1) if the legislature mandated it as part of the conviction sentence or 2) If the judge actually ordered it.

These requirements vary from state to state and are subject to state laws. Even though Megan's Law is a federal law, state courts can only enforce state laws, therefore they are bound by what the state legislature mandates.
But if I am correct state laws are overruled by federal laws- so as a federal law they should be registered within 3 days of sentencing.

Not entirely true, because you get into some Constitutional issues there, specifically the 10th Amendment. Despite what they think, Congress is not supposed to be able to give orders to the States on any subject they desire.

Here is the link to the DOJ Website describing the USAGO opinion of the guidelines of the law: The Jacob Wetterling Act and Megan's Law

This is a pretty informative site. The way Congress gets the States to follow these laws is to cut federal funding to the non-compliant states.

Here is another site that ranks each state's compliance (albiet a biased viewpoint): Parents for Megan's Laws

I would also like to point out that no matter what federal law says, if you are being tried in state court, you MUST be tried on state charges and therefore, fall under the state's punishment guidelines.
Oh man, there is so much legal crap to go through to administer justice. Just when you think you got them, they slip right through your fingers.:glare:

Just don't become a sex offender.
Phridae said:

Just don't become a sex offender.

Well thus far they have proven its a disease....and with many even if they are "snipped" (go ahead cross your legs guys) they find other things to use. Ive worked the department of corrections with the sex offenders, and I have also worked as a street cop... personally id rather put one between the eyes but we arent permitted to let our personal feelings in... that may be how it is in dakota, but in sc ga fl nc and ky as well as la and tn they are registered in the database but the *******s dont tell the neighborhoods...

my solution?? a tracking device that enables a electrical shock to the ankle when one comes within 100ft of a child, or 50ft of a park
Phridae said:

Just don't become a sex offender.

But the truly sad part is that many of them dont think they are doing wrong unless they get caught. (Remember that phrase - your not a criminal until your caught?):sad:

Celtictigeress said:
personally id rather put one between the eyes but

If I had it to do all over again, I think I would have chosen this route. Kill'dem when I had the chance.

Instead I fought every single day, called the prosecuting attorneys office to check the status, staked out his house and waiting for him to come home then calling the police to come rearrest him after he missed court (their solution, since they "didn't have the manpower to arrest everybody" was to wait for him to be pulled over, but if I could tell them where he is they would send someone right over), being at every single court hearing no matter how mundane, writing letters, making more phone calls....all the while making things "normal" for my boy, making trips back to Houston from Michigan when he tried to bribe his probation officer into signing off on his community service.

Yep, you heard that...the got 5 years probation. You see, he was an Eagle Scout and had never even had a traffic ticket, so the judge felt as though he didn't need to do time in jail. And in his moms words "Besides, do you know what they did to him for the few days he was in there!?!?" Whatever, he's still alive isn't he?

Punishment for attempting to bribe his probation officer?? 2 more years probation. But "this was his LAST chance!"

Whatever, I should've kill'dem when I had the chance. Instead I gave him the knife and walked out. Told'em if he wanted to die, make sure he did it right.

Of course then I called the cops. I didn't want blood all over my sofa! Cops said they found'em trying to hang himself with a belt. Dumbass...should've done it for'em.