EMTprep.com and EMT Nat Training


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Wanted to get my fellow EMT's and Medics opinion here. Currently, I am a member of EMTprep.com and I really like their format. Their questions are solid and I really don't have any problems with them. I used EMT-National-Training.com and found a lot of repeats and their site seemed kind of low tech. I am wondering what other online test prep sites are out there that people have used just so I can mix things up a bit. Any direction would be appreciated. Thanks!!

Medic Anonymous
Nope. No reason to think you're affiliated in some way with emtprep dot com. None at all....
Well, lets give Medic Anonymous the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps he or she is looking for alternatives. There are plenty of other test prep services out there. Most of us have used, and have high praise for, JB learning.

Of course, YMMV

And fair warning, if this IS a spam post and I find out that the OP is affiliated with either website, it will be dealt with swiftly. :)
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Thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt n7lxi, I appreciate it! As for the other gentleman's comments, I won't even address them. I looked up JB learning but I cannot find an online test prep portion. I see a lot of their books. Do you have the URL by chance???
Nope. No reason to think you're affiliated in some way with emtprep dot com. None at all....

So...where did you get that the OP was implying he's affiliated with the first site he listed? He stated he was a member, stated what he liked about the first site, what he didn't about the second site, then asked for opinions and other options. I don't see the problem.

How about you bring something constructive to the table rather than just critiquing other's posts? That's all I've seen you do. You get after others for "talking down" or "demeaning" posters then you come out with this? Double standard much? You're a real productive member of this forum :rolleyes:

If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all, I've yet to see you post anything productive.

OP, I used EMT-national-training.com for my medic test. Yea it's not the most high tech website but for what it's worth I passed my NREMT-P in 80 questions, 40 minutes the first time around. Go with what is working for you, no reason to pay for another site if the one you've already paid for is satisfying your needs.

Like n7 said, JBLearning always gets good reviews as well.
So...where did you get that the OP was implying he's affiliated with the first site he listed? He stated he was a member, stated what he liked about the first site, what he didn't about the second site, then asked for opinions and other options. I don't see the problem.

How about you bring something constructive to the table rather than just critiquing other's posts? That's all I've seen you do. You get after others for "talking down" or "demeaning" posters then you come out with this? Double standard much? You're a real productive member of this forum :rolleyes:

If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all, I've yet to see you post anything productive.

OP, I used EMT-national-training.com for my medic test. Yea it's not the most high tech website but for what it's worth I passed my NREMT-P in 80 questions, 40 minutes the first time around. Go with what is working for you, no reason to pay for another site if the one you've already paid for is satisfying your needs.

Like n7 said, JBLearning always gets good reviews as well.

In response to your on-topic question, it's been my experience that someone whose 1st post consists of praising one company/service/tool by name while at the same time denigrating a competitive company/service/tool by name frequently has a dog in the hunt.

As for the rest of your off-topic opinion of me and my posts, I would be happy to discuss your apparent concerns in the appropriate venue rather than hijacking this thread.
I suggest you both take a deep breath and step away from the thread. :)

You local CLs thank you. :)