I have a couple of instances to discuss. I am an EMT in PA, my driver partner is a first responder. On one occasion we were picking up a psych patient, who was also physical and verbally abusive. On arrival we found him chained up, supine on the bed. He was also trying to get out, and was moving a lot. Immediatly my first reaction was: I am not taking this guy... Or at least someone has to accompany me in the back of the ambulance. So my genius partner, told the staff, without my consent, that we were taking the guy. I was shocked because I was the one supposed to be with this guy in the back (???) He also told me, that we should tie his hands together for safety. I told him we could not do that! So he, assumed I did not know what I was talking about, went to truck to look for ropes? SO he came back with the CID straps (the ones you put on the chin and forhead, to the longboard) LMAO, he thought those were cuffs, but I told him they are used in the neck, spine injury, idiot. SO I called my company for additional crew.
Yesterday, We took patient out of ER, I started interviewing the patient in the hallway, while waiting for elevator. My partner, told me to stop asking the patient dumb questions...... This time, I directly told not to interfere, and be quit, while I do my job. After the shift, I told my boss, he suggested to write an incident report.
Also on numerous occsassions, my partner telling the females he incounters, while in my presence. LIke he would see a woman, in the elevator, and he would smile, and tell her in playful manner to come with us, or jump on the stretcher so we could take her with us. that sort of things. That happens like 100 in a single shift. In many instances i feel the women seem to like attention, but in the long run it can be seen as sexual harassment.
One time I had to tell him to shut up, when we were picking up a young lady, who was suicidal. My partner started flrting with her. I told him to shut up because I had to be with her in the back of the truck and god knows what can happen.... any opinions?
Yesterday, We took patient out of ER, I started interviewing the patient in the hallway, while waiting for elevator. My partner, told me to stop asking the patient dumb questions...... This time, I directly told not to interfere, and be quit, while I do my job. After the shift, I told my boss, he suggested to write an incident report.
Also on numerous occsassions, my partner telling the females he incounters, while in my presence. LIke he would see a woman, in the elevator, and he would smile, and tell her in playful manner to come with us, or jump on the stretcher so we could take her with us. that sort of things. That happens like 100 in a single shift. In many instances i feel the women seem to like attention, but in the long run it can be seen as sexual harassment.
One time I had to tell him to shut up, when we were picking up a young lady, who was suicidal. My partner started flrting with her. I told him to shut up because I had to be with her in the back of the truck and god knows what can happen.... any opinions?
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