EMT students...


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I figured I would share this story since people tend to get a kick out of it. When I was still in school becoming a basic, I obviously began gaining new skills and was anxious to try them out... So its about 0200 and I am sitting in my bedroom, my girlfriend sound asleep in my bed across the room, and snoring quite loudly. Now I had never had the chance to do a jaw thrust or a head tilt chin lift to an actual person so I decided I wanted to test them out. So I slipped over her quietly and began playing with the two different moves until eventually she woke up in the middle of a jaw thrust, looking at me very weirdly and started to ask what I was doing, to which I had to explain.
So I slipped over her quietly and began playing with the two different moves until eventually she woke up in the middle of a jaw thrust, looking at me very weirdly.

Taken out of context this becomes a very dirty story haha
Yeah it actually does out of context...Didnt think of that. On the bright side while she was still asleep it stopped her snoring :P
Well if you cant sleep because of her snoring you might as well have some fun with her and get some skills practice in. Lol
Yeah it actually does out of context...Didnt think of that. On the bright side while she was still asleep it stopped her snoring :P

totally trying this one on my fiance. hahah..im sure he'll be very un amused when he wakes up
My ex-fiance (an EMT-B ) did this to me on several occasions. First time I woke up to her doing a head-tilt/chin-lift to me I got very confused
It was pretty funny. Being a CNA she understood what I was doing though.

I used the head tilt chin lift on a girl while she was sleeping over. She was none the wiser. Only problem was I would have to get up every once in a while to re position the head