EMT Shear sheath


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I know this might be a long shot as I haven't seen one in a while but I recall seeing a leather sheath that just held a pair of shear's horizontally with a metal clip. Anyone have a link or know where to get them. I really hate just sticking shears in my pocket or back of my belt and not looking to make a batman belt.
Seen one? I can't even say it three times.

Can't say I've seen an EMS one, but maybe a "tactical"/police/whatever site would have one, maybe intended for another use. Also, harware stores (maybe somwthing for garden shears?).

I find that keeping the shears in my jump kit (a camera bag about 1 cubic foot) is better. If I fall I won't get jabbed. Inmates can't grab them in passing. Don't need to carry a holster and a jump bag so one less item to lose track of. Makes me clean 'em off when done instead of hurriedly stuffing them into a grotty holster.

You could buy a holster and modify it to attach to your belt horizontally, or see if the local shoe repair guy can. Horizontal (or inverted) carry will make it more likely to get detached and dropped just walking around or getting into/out of a vehicle.
I've seen the ones like you're talking about at some of the EDs worn by the techs. If I see one I'll ask where they got it from.
Your on the right track but the ones I'm looking for are pretty minimal, they are just folded leather with a metal belt clip.
Thanks, I've googled , checked e-bay, looked at galls all with no luck.
I have a link to a guy that custom makes them, but it is at home on my computer. I can put the link on tomorrow.
I actually have a nylon one just like that.
Custom sounds cool, maybe I can get it with the Red Sox logo would be a great icebreaker here in Yankee and Mets land:rolleyes:
Damn, I think I know EXACTLY what you are talking about...the shears sheath with the big metal clip on the back?

It was made by ADC (American Diagnostic Corp) but for some absurd reason they stopped making it!! I've been trying to find one for over a year now, my last one was awesome.
That would be exactly the one. Guess I'll be scouring the bay or starting in a write-in campaign to bring it back.
Damn, I think I know EXACTLY what you are talking about...the shears sheath with the big metal clip on the back?

It was made by ADC (American Diagnostic Corp) but for some absurd reason they stopped making it!! I've been trying to find one for over a year now, my last one was awesome.

They stopped making it? :( I was playing on getting one.
Much appreciated. I like the radioactive crocodile. Too bad they don't do orange. I could throw it in the mix with my bright red scope, neon green trauma shears I tuck in my scrubs, and orange watch. I really know how to accessorize :wacko:

Now that I know who makes I found a site that no longer sells them. So if anyone knows where to get sheath as pictured , feel free to give me a heads up.
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Scrub and others,
Maybe we should start a letter writing campaign. Just sent this off this about 5 minutes ago

To whom it may concern,
I haven't needed one for a long time but it appears now that I do that your shear sheath is no longer available or at least isn't listed in your catalog. As a Nurse, EMT, and firefighter(who also resides on Long Island) I felt this design was great for all the roles I fill in my life and am saddened to see it isn't there. It was just the right size and worked for scrubs or pants and kept my shears easily accessible without being overly bulky or requiring a belt. Just wondering if you have any stock left or know of any vendors of your product who might. If not do you have any plans to bring it back? It's a great item and I'm sure will be missed by more than me. Thanks for your time spent reading this e-mail and for any assistance you might provide in this matter.
Scrub and others,
Maybe we should start a letter writing campaign. Just sent this off this about 5 minutes ago

To whom it may concern,
I haven't needed one for a long time but it appears now that I do that your shear sheath is no longer available or at least isn't listed in your catalog. As a Nurse, EMT, and firefighter(who also resides on Long Island) I felt this design was great for all the roles I fill in my life and am saddened to see it isn't there. It was just the right size and worked for scrubs or pants and kept my shears easily accessible without being overly bulky or requiring a belt. Just wondering if you have any stock left or know of any vendors of your product who might. If not do you have any plans to bring it back? It's a great item and I'm sure will be missed by more than me. Thanks for your time spent reading this e-mail and for any assistance you might provide in this matter.

I defiantly hope you're not referring to me :glare:

... and perhaps I shall write to these people
Sorry about that, fatigue and beer . As for the letter writing campaign, I say go for it. ADC responded this a.m. but stated they were discontinued due to high cost of leather. Maybe if enough people voice an interest they might consider bringing it back.