EMT Screw Ups

Okay. Thanks for the condescending life message on humility and humanity. I was just asking if anyone had any stories, ****.

Just proves Vent's post about humanity and humility, you might want to learn some while you're on here...
Just last night while I was at my internship tending to a young pt who broke his arm wrestling the ambulance crew had a EMT student. Me being in charge of the call and the paramedic student I delegated the vacuum splint to the student so he could gain experience and do a practical skill. My captain was right at the head holding the pt's arm. Long story short the student pulled the plug on the vacuum splint and we subsequently lost the integrity of the splint. Turns out the student had no idea how to operate and did not ask for assistance. Minor setback to pt care, but in front of 30 people it makes everyone on scene look incompetent. Moral of the story: if you don't know ask.

Again going back to my internship on a full arrest I had my preceptor pushing meds. Since there is just a small shortage of epi preloads we have to mix our own. My preceptor was unaware if you mix 1:1000 in a 10cc flush (with 1cc NS removed) you push the while 10cc's and not 1cc at a time. I quickly told him to push the while 10cc's and explained the reasoning why after the call when it was most appropriate. Moral of the story: be aware of the correct dosages of medications.

Now me I've had my fair share of mishaps and screw-ups. At the moment I don't remember anything that stands out to post on here. Although I'm sure some of the counterparts I work with on here could post. People are bound to screw-up, what makes it count is if you learn from it to become a better provider.
Teach you EMT Basic Students to learn the protocols; not just the Basic protocols, but the ALS Protocols too. It will keep their medic partner from doing something dumb someday.
My good medic partners always double checked anything ALS with me; and I do the same with my Basic partners. Just saying it out loud to someone has kept me from doing something dumb.
Teach you EMT Basic Students to learn the protocols; not just the Basic protocols, but the ALS Protocols too. It will keep their medic partner from doing something dumb someday.
My good medic partners always double checked anything ALS with me; and I do the same with my Basic partners. Just saying it out loud to someone has kept me from doing something dumb.

Absolutely not. It’s fine to teach EMTs ALS assist skills, but never expect them to know ALS protocols as a safety measure. That’s like asking the flight attendant to land the plane. They may have seen it done, but they have no actual idea how to do it.
It's good to know ALS procedures so the EMT can anticipate medics needs to be a good assist, but focusing on the details could create as many issues as it helps with.