EMT/Medic Gamers


Forum Asst. Chief
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Any EMT's or Medics in here gamers?

if so... what platform, favorite or usual game?

and for any xbox 360 players... do you have an xbox live gamertag?
I was until I met my girlfriend, then I just kinda stopped. I used to go nuts on games like Forza Motorsport, any realistic racing games. I did pick up a controller to play a little Modern Warfare 2 when I spent the night visiting a college. Other than that I can't remember last time I played.
Just beat Dragon Age: Origins for PC. Was pretty amazing.
I play Modern Warfare 2, but only for the PC. Fantastic game, though.
I was actually going to make an XBL post to find out who else.

My GT is the same as my forum name. Generally play MW2 or L4D2.
I'm not on much, but when I am, I'm usually playing Dead Space on 360...

My gamer tag is the same as my forum name
Gamer? Only since I was 3 and was taught how to beat Super Mario (the original for NES) by jumping levels... lol... I am still a Nintendo Purist, although I haven't touched a controller in months and really just haven't been very much into Video Games since the first few years of GameCube. But when I am feeling nostalgic, I will break out some of the older games, particularly the N64 games that I still find revolutionary such as Super Mario 64, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (still the greatest game ever, or the various Rogue Squadron games. NES and SNES games are revisted form time to time too. Other than that, I do have a few Computer Games that I love such as the earlier Call of Duty's, Elite Force, or Star Trek Armada. Nothing recently though.....
Wish I still had time to game... Would be working on FF XII right now

And to mountain res-q, Star Trek Armada II rocks!!!
I'm a 360 man myself. My roommate and I have been playing a ton of Halo 3 as of late. My tag is bok269.

I also figured college would be a good time to break out the N64. If only they developed online play in 1996.
Quit spending all your money on Tim Hortons and you might be able to afford something besides paper and pencil games!
Nice to see some post up here! I figured that there were gamers on the forum!

as for me... I've always been a halo junkie... before that... it was goldeneye for N64.

Recently I've been addicted to Call fo Duty: modern Warfare 2. its absolutely phenominal... that and Halo ODST are pretty good.... my gamertag is Dominator329 if anyone want to play Live with me.
But when I am feeling nostalgic, I will break out some of the older games, particularly the N64 games that I still find revolutionary such as Super Mario 64, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (still the greatest game ever, or the various Rogue Squadron games.

Ha, I still drag those out occasionally too. But I haven't played anything seriously since those days, so I don't consider myself any sort of gamer.
I thought you meant EMS gaming

"]I was a bouncer on Second Life Fire Dept until it imploded, griefing griefers and reporting renegades. It was a very silly and pathological place to be except for the artists and modelers who developed stuff and shared it.

I broke down and bought ebay copies of MecWarrior 3 and Merc last week, now trying to relearn how to use a joystick.
I remember the runout of Pong, etc.
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Ha! As if I have the time for that anymore! (I wish though......) When I do, any kind of realistic first-person-shooter. (No crazy, impossible stuff.)

I know. I am pretty boring........-_-
xbox tag

Coaxial Puppet

I pretty much only play modern warfare 2 right now.
And hockey.
Love RPGs and MMOs, though not concentrating on any at the moment.

Major love for Aion, though. Do a lot of work with Wizards of the Coast on D&D. That's been a blast. It's funny that our PnP games have turned into Laptop 'n iPhone games. All my characters are run off my iPhone. W00t.
gamertag is inukshuk

playing modern warfare 2 and nhl 10 mostly now. some of us will have to get together on MW2 sometime.