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I have noticed this is only a handful of EMT Intermediates. Is there any discussion of this rank, Being phased out.
The term EMT-I is and pretty has already been phased out with AEMT (Advanced EMT).

Some areas rely heavily on AEMTs while other areas they are not used at all.
Our service is still called "I.L.S." A dying name I suppose.
It depends where you are. NM and Texas use EMT intermediates pretty heavily and there's no talk of a name change to make them AEMTs
In the area I live AEMTs (aka EMT-Is) are the only advance life support providers available. In fact the protocols are written so that even if you were a full paramedic you could only work at the Advance/Intermediate level, but there are no medics in these parts. Nottaone!
I's are more advanced, at least in my area, than AEMTs. Having an I on a truck makes it a medic, but if you run with an AEMT it's still just an ambulance.

It's still a thing here in VA even though I think everyone knows the direction EMS is going in general is away from it.
I was going to advance to a Medic. The other company's, did not even come close to the benefits I currently have. The ILS service i'm on is 2 minuets from my home. So their is days. That I am allowed to stay at my house, But technically be working. The catch is, If I do that I'm not getting hourly pay. The pay would be per call falling under a PRN status. Still tho i'm so close to home. It doesn't matter if I'm doing a regular shift at the station. Other company I considered is a 20 minuet drive. The pay in the long run is more but not much. I disagreed with the "unpaid training" that is basically dispatching. So after so hard thinking and figuring. Intermediate is what I will stay. Being a full blown medic would be a life accomplishment tho.