EMT Discounts East Bay CA


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I'm a married man, and new to EMS work in the East Bay California. My wife and I are doing everything we can to save for our future children. Where can I find food discounts in the East Bay for EMT's. Any other discounts as well? Thanks guys!
I'm a married man, and new to EMS work in the East Bay California. My wife and I are doing everything we can to save for our future children. Where can I find food discounts in the East Bay for EMT's. Any other discounts as well? Thanks guys!
Discounts?? Usually that's something that imho should never be expected. If your having trouble buying food, most ems qualify for food stamps based on income.
Discounts?? Usually that's something that imho should never be expected. If your having trouble buying food, most ems qualify for food stamps based on income.

I'm not even going to respond to that. Anybody have something true and kind to say please.
If restaurants offer it, do you feel it's against some sort of principles to accept? Pieology offers 35% off to EMT workers. Would you say no? I'm just having trouble understanding your logic.

If I order food and someone offers a discount of course I take it. I say thank you and usually make up the difference in the tip. Pay it forward you know? If I'm strapped for cash then maybe not. But certainly do not take advantage of their generousity. Your best bet is to brown bag it, way cheaper than eating out.

We had several eateries stop offering discounts when public service employees were found to be visiting in uniform when off-duty and with his family.
Most ems discounts happen when on duty and in uniform. If they are abused they will quickly go away. As said before the discount should never be asked for but if offered remember to thank them.
The practice of looking for discounts is frowned upon.

In backgrounds for public service (police/fire), they specifically ask if you have used your status as a responder to receive discounts. It is a relatively small offense but can undermine your integrity.
To be fair, my own personal ethical "line in the sand" is restricted to well advertised discounts (for gyms etc) and larger corporate restaurant chains but I do not ask.

I will not accept discounts from mom and pop shops. If they insist, I buy a gift card/certificate and don't use it.
This isn't the military you don't just get random discounts for being an EMT. If you are that strapped for cash that you are looking for discounts, then you may need something else to supplement that income. No one here is being rude, but discounts are few and far between even when in uniform and you need to know that. Don't be the guy that's not on shift wearing your uniform to get a free coffee. Pretty sure no one gets discounts for groceries. Become an "extreme couponer" if you want to penny pinch.
If restaurants offer it, do you feel it's against some sort of principles to accept? Pieology offers 35% off to EMT workers. Would you say no? I'm just having trouble understanding your logic.

If you are trying to save money, you shouldn't be inside of a restaurant unless you are working there. Worst place to "save money". Even with a discount. Bring your food to work.

Bro I found the best EMS discount ever.
If you are trying to save money, you shouldn't be inside of a restaurant unless you are working there. Worst place to "save money". Even with a discount. Bring your food to work.

Not only is it cheaper to brown bag, but it is generally healthier as well. It's well known that EMS folk tend to pack on the pounds due to maintaining a diet based largely on fast food, roller food and junk food; packing healthy meals and snacks kills two birds with one stone, so to speak.
Wow, and they say nurses eat their young.

I have a news flash for you guys: when businesses offer you a discount, they aren't always doing it out of the kindness of their heart. It's not necessarily out of "respect" or even a genuine "thank you" for the work that you do. They are doing it because it benefits them. Discounts attract business that otherwise would be lost.

So there is nothing wrong with looking for discounts. If the business didn't want them to be used, they wouldn't offer them.

And just because someone is on a budget, does that really mean that they should never eat out? Can a responsible budget really not allow for a date night with the wife or a night out with the guys once or twice a month?
Wow, and they say nurses eat their young.

I have a news flash for you guys: when businesses offer you a discount, they aren't always doing it out of the kindness of their heart. It's not necessarily out of "respect" or even a genuine "thank you" for the work that you do. They are doing it because it benefits them. Discounts attract business that otherwise would be lost.

So there is nothing wrong with looking for discounts. If the business didn't want them to be used, they wouldn't offer them.

And just because someone is on a budget, does that really mean that they should never eat out? Can a responsible budget really not allow for a date night with the wife or a night out with the guys once or twice a month?
Yea and it can actually lead to corruption. Before going ems I was gonna be a cop my now wife stopped me in my tracks but in the chief's interview they specifically ask you if you were given a discount what would you do, if given free food what would you do. I would deny it repeatedly. If they kept insisting, I would place the amount/total of the meal in a tip jar or leave the money on the counter. This was to see how corrupt or abusive of your uniform powers you would be.