EMT-Basic Jobs in Northwest U.S.


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I am a nationally registered EMT-B based in los angeles county, california. And i am considering transferring my license to the pacific northwest. Any suggestions? I am looking at oregon, but i am afraid that when i get there, that i won't be able to find a job fairly quickly. does anyone else here have any idea what states in the northwest are easiest to transfer into? I am also considering washington and alaska. and if anyone can give me a list of companies in those states ( because i can't seem to find any such list anywhere ), i would greatly appreciate it. thanks!
Welcome to EMTLife! I moved your thread to EMS Employment and updated the title.
Washington's a big state, but the Puget Sound Seattle/Tacoma area has the problem of too many people applying for too few openings. Apply to all the ambulance companies within whatever distance you want to drive, and be patient.