EMT-B Random skill?


Forum Ride Along
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What was the random skill you got for you EMT-Basic skills practical?
We got bleeding/shock. It has almost always been our random skill.
5 minutes of BJJ with Renzo Gracie.
I had 3 skills!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so upset as I was under the imperssion we only were required to to 2.
But anywho...

I had KED, suction-NPA-OPA, long bone.

Passed first time!!! Twice for my ***. though!!!
Once for my CBT
What was the random skill you got for you EMT-Basic skills practical?

EMTB random trauma refers to either long bone/ked or traction splint to BB. There is an option of bleed control to long board as well but, that's usually left for the ALS practical exam. Good luck.
We didn't do a random, but we had:

Major Medical: respiratory distress brought on by anaphylaxis ('hidden', resulted from antibiotic given for pneumonia, not immediately obvious), resulting of course in full cardiac arrest.
Major Trauma: Full thickness electrical burn to hand with exit wound in foot, as a result of car vs power pole, unconscious, BVM, backboarding, etc.
Minor Medical: kidney stone presenting as flanked abd pain, with sufficient 'complicating' factors (pt age, etc, etc, to make you consider other issues)
Minor Trauma: fall from bike, splinting of humerus.