EMT-B class, online test cheating....a rant.

Well turns out none were expelled...they have to take their tests with a proctor present now. More of a pain in the butt for them...the online tests allowed you to take it when it was a convienient time for you. Now they have a set time to take it.
Maybe our instructor is banking on them failing out and not have to expell them...?
Turns out some students were cheating. As far as I can figure out, they were grouped together and multiple people were helping with the answers, then the next would take the test, and so forth...

Part of being an EMT/medic is having integrity. Medics have to be above reproach. They enter people's homes when those people are at their most vulnerable.

Cheaters have no integrity. Therefore they should not be EMT/medics. Simple. The cheaters noted by the OP should be banned for life from EMS.

I worked a Burger King 20+ yrs ago....does that count?

No, McD is obviously a harder job than BK... Obviously...

And to the OP, they'll get what's coming to them. I'm in a huge class right now with lots of students, and it's no secret that cheating goes on in the class. But the students who cheat now won't get far in the next class. It's not surprising that many students who "do well" in this class fail the next because it's easy to cheat in the class due to the nature of it and it's large size.

It's tough now (I hate working my butt off for my 98% and having someone else in the class getting 95's while doing a fifth of the work if even that), but I know that next quarter when they are failing the next class (which is much more difficult) I'll be able to rest on my laurels of the material I actually learned this quarter.

Chin up!
Quick update...

We had a Module final last night. 7 chapters from the book, and Phamacology drug profiles.
As it stands, only 2 people passed the test. (out of the 14 that are left)
It was a hell of a test!

Those who failed, will get a chance to re-test (but only get a max of 75% for a grade)

I think those who were cheating online...well it came back to bite them in the a$$ because we took the test in class. On paper. With our instructor sitting in front of us. Desks were cleared empty. All cell phones were away from the people.