EMSA Oklahoma


Californian, Lost in Texas
Well, fellow EMSers, the EMSA Contract is up for grabs this year. Current bids I've heard of are Paramedics Plus, AMR, and Rural/Metro, with possible others as well. The selection is reportedly in November.

I'm fairly certain my job would be safe with any of the three or whomever takes it, but I do admit some intrigue at the high-level wrangling. Paramedics Plus counts EMSA as a crown jewel and a legacy contract, while AMR and Rural/Metro have both lost major areas recently and need to remind the market that they're still relevant. The contract is a massive one- both Tulsa and Oklahoma City, hundreds of employees, and a very carefully built brand with a mostly positive image and very demanding standards. Which bid is selected must, above all other things, preserve those standards. Paramedics Plus seems to enjoy general employee support for the time being, AMR can potentially Borg EMSA with hordes of people, and Rural/Metro is a ?, as are potential other bids.

Let the waiting begin!