EMS schools in Michigan NOT to go too


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anyone? or any state for that matter
i would hope that all schools teach the same or close enough lesson plans and the instructors are very well educated but i think its up to you on how much you wanna learn that my opinion.....
lets just say my medic course..i would not recommend.
lets just say my medic course..i would not recommend.

Where do you go? I have a good friend who went to MMR and he said to stay away from that :censored::censored::censored::censored: like the plauge.
Where do you go? I have a good friend who went to MMR and he said to stay away from that :censored::censored::censored::censored: like the plauge.

I don't actually feel this way, I don't know anything about MMR.
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anyone? or any state for that matter

The better question might be; why do students not follow through on making formal complaints to the MDCH? No complaints, no investigations, no action.

If we want better we have to do more than talk. If we want to improve what we already have...we have to do more than post on a forum.

If you believe you have a legitimate violation of state codes, first talk to the IC. If that doesn't fix the violations go to the administrator, then MDCH or whatever your grievance policy outlines. Follow policy and follow through. I'm all for making our agencies equally accountable. Who knows...you could be the one to make a difference!
i went to WCCCD. the only one i heard bad feedback on was HFCC, only because they did not provide much equipment for practicals
i went to WCCCD. the only one i heard bad feedback on was HFCC, only because they did not provide much equipment for practicals

The HFCC thing is true, but at the same time, I learned to improvise like crazy as a result.

Several people I work with have gone to Michagan Academy of EMS for their medic education, but what I have heard of them was consistent: they seem to have some shady grading practices and it is in the students best interest to document every grade for every assignment, quiz, or test you do. Now while this is hearsay, I do trust the word of these people.
The HFCC thing is true, but at the same time, I learned to improvise like crazy as a result.

Several people I work with have gone to Michagan Academy of EMS for their medic education, but what I have heard of them was consistent: they seem to have some shady grading practices and it is in the students best interest to document every grade for every assignment, quiz, or test you do. Now while this is hearsay, I do trust the word of these people.

Ok MAES is shady all around.. They charge quite a bit more than other schools and then leave you to self educate. I've known several people that have gone through MAES and a few that have gone through another school after failing out (by 1 point) and being told for $$ they will give them another shot. They wanted over 2,000 more for their Paramedic class then other competitive schools and offered less. I'd avoid these people IMHO there are much better programs.

I would suggest my school for Medic only due to my instructor Bob.. Bob is a great teacher that makes up for the few shortcomings of the school. Superior Medical Education in Ferndale isn't a bad school. The price is right and Bob highly makes up for it.
Ok MAES is shady all around.. They charge quite a bit more than other schools and then leave you to self educate. I've known several people that have gone through MAES and a few that have gone through another school after failing out (by 1 point) and being told for $$ they will give them another shot. They wanted over 2,000 more for their Paramedic class then other competitive schools and offered less. I'd avoid these people IMHO there are much better programs.

Some programs are very good but, have one or two shady IC's being protected and supported by the institutions themselves.

The only way the MCDH is willing to investigate or take action is when students file the appropriate complaints.....a quote from MDCH, and Marv Helmker.

A large part of why some IC's and some institutions remain status quo is because students won't be bothered, preferring to sit around complaining. Maybe students don't think of themselves as worthy customers or something. It's my money and my time being wasted so yeah, I'd be on the web getting that form done and sent but quick the very day I exhausted the last attempt via school policy. 10 grand for a class is no chump change and killing a patient because I didn't learn is a nightmare I don't care to experience. Understandably, no one can make anyone do a single thing but, absolutely nothing will change until those being affected step up and demand better from these schools. Don't just sit and complain...do something.

In an interesting twist....IC's who file formal allegations are ignored because it's who ya know, not what ya can document as an IC. Sad fact but true. MDCH looks completely differently when the allegations and complaints are made by students. Band together if you and your peers are afraid..file with 2-3 others. It takes only a few moments and a trip to the post office for a delivery receipt post. That way no one can deny they got it (hint, hint). Every time action has been taken that I personally know of.....it has been thanks to a student finally sticking up for him/herself.