In light of H1N1 being on the horizon, and increased Joint Commission inspection of hospital rates of hand hygiene, I am wondering how it is hitting EMS. Are services targeting hand washing/cleansing campaigns at it's employees? Are EMS providers targeting the public?
Particularly in the case of H1N1, excellent respiratory hygiene is required, including cough precautions (coughing into a sleeve or tissue, which is then thrown away, in addition to quality and often hand washing). What are you doing to support this? Do EMS systems have a formal program that decreases the burden's on employees to come into work when sick? To make sure those who are sick dont come in until they have been fever free for 24 hours (with no anti-fever meds, as opposed to old requirements, that called for 7 days)?
Thoughts? Comments?
Particularly in the case of H1N1, excellent respiratory hygiene is required, including cough precautions (coughing into a sleeve or tissue, which is then thrown away, in addition to quality and often hand washing). What are you doing to support this? Do EMS systems have a formal program that decreases the burden's on employees to come into work when sick? To make sure those who are sick dont come in until they have been fever free for 24 hours (with no anti-fever meds, as opposed to old requirements, that called for 7 days)?
Thoughts? Comments?