EMS or EMS-Related Educational Blogs


Forum Deputy Chief
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Anybody have any favorite EMS or EMS-related (like emergency medicine, critical care, etc.) blogs that they follow?

I just happened upon a blog by a critical care physician in Minnesota (http://regionstraumapro.com/) and I've found it to be a great resource. He links to good studies and digests them, too. The author also covers a lot of ATLS and ED-level care, and I find knowing what the ED will do with a patient that EMS brings in to be useful in considering what they might want to know, etc.

Rogue Medic (www.roguemedic.com) is a nameless paramedic's blog, and, again, the author covers studies and myths of EMS care (many of which are discussed on these forums quite often). The author's writing style is lovely -- snarky and data driven, I only wish I could be as good!

(Hope this doesn't count as advertising -- it's not intended to be, more of a resource for those looking for fun reads on EMS and EMS-related topics).
A few members have blogs, I know Firetender does for sure. I think meme man has one as well. :unsure:

Weingart is a genius! My company I'm sure is tired of listening to him by now I'm sure. If I'm on duty I always have something of his playing.

Life in the Fastlane
Advanced pharmacology - PA class lectures
Paramedic pearls and pitfalls

And all 3 of Jeff Guys podcasts are excellent.
PHTLS, ems pharmacology and ICU rounds
Bandolier evidence based thinking about health care


Not necessarily because it is authoritative or widearching, but the philosophy is seductive. If it's so, where's the evidence? Quit quoting Plutarch and Hawkeye Pierce, show me the citations.