EMS is a dangerous job?


Forum Asst. Chief
side note... a EMT got held at gunpoint a few weeks ago in LA with our new company..... just sayin


Forum Chief
"Fear-Mongering" Bwahahahaha! Good one.

Two good points.......... on the side of the door is correct........... but the side with the door knob is what is preferred. Reason............. you can see inside before they can see you.

And uniform is 100% correct. I have been ad advocate for folks wearing non-LEO appearing uniforms for years.

Like I said before.......... you are 100% welcome to come free of charge to see what I do. I will save you a seat in Daytona Beach in March. Then call me a fear-monger...........or tell folks that my message is foolish.......

You are super-smart........... way better at typing/writing than I. But like hundreds of others.........once you actually see what I am sharing........ you will be able to make an informed decision.

See you there?

Daytona Beach in March, hmm?

My opinion is EMS is a dangerous job. Dangerous to my back and overall health. We are routinely exposed to nasty little germies that you while you might run into off the job, you wouldnt go getting all up in like you would at work.

Also in danger of dying in a crash because people drive like retards.

I work IFT, I've been whacked, bitten, spit on by hiv pts, swung on and growled at.

One of our medics had to call for pd due to a vet psych having some PTSD episode and trying to kill him with the lifepak.

Not to call it dangerous is silly, but don't go to work fearing that everyday is your last.

Life in general will kill you.

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The fire extinguisher is not just for show


Community Leader Emeritus
What is really dangerous?

Look around you, check out your peers. What percentage of them will be working with you three years from now? How about five?

Most will be gone, but not because they were exposed to the dangers you all have cited. They'll be out the door psychologically, psychically, emotionally, spiritually, yes, even morally burned out.

In that respect perhaps the danger itself isn't quite as damaging as the constant exposure to the potential for danger. It ain't the muscles, it's the nerves! The ripples in the pond from that affect everything else; including the ability to respond adequately to real danger.