EMS in Colorado


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Howdy doody all, I have 4 years prior experience as a EMT-B here in Texas and just passed my NREMT-P last month and and on probation at my current company here in east TX. I am wanting to move to Colorado though and work EMS up there and possibly some ski patrol/mountain rescue type stuff. I have no clue what good companys are up there and the pay and such. I have also heard the cost of living up there is crazy high but I have 0 debt and being a 24 year old single guy and having my medic should have 0 worries. If anyone can give me the dl on some agencys up there it would be mighty wide of ya.
First, welcome to EMTLife!

We have quite a few members from Colorado who will be quick to point you in the right direction. Colorado was one of the first places I looked to moving when I got out of college. Here are some links to get your started:

Action Care Ambulance Inc‎ - http://www.actioncare.com/
DHPD - Denver Health Paramedic Division - http://www.denverems.org
Boulder County Paramedics - http://www.bcp911.org
El Paso County Colorado, AMR - http://www.amrpikespeak.com
Pridemark Paramedic Services - http://www.pridemark-paramedics.com
RuralMetro Ambulance of Colorado - http://www.ruralmetrocolorado.com
Summit County Ambulance - http://www.co.summit.co.us/ems
Upper San Juan Health Services District - http://www.pagosaspringsems.com
Ute Pass Regional Ambulance District - http://www.uprad.org
Weld County Paramedic Services - http://www.co.weld.co.us/departments/paramedic_services/ambulance.html\
Northglenn Ambulance - http://www.northglennambulance.com/
sweet man i appreciate it ill check these out